Mysql啟動錯誤-server PID file could not be found
Mysql啟動錯誤-server PID file could not be found
在centos5.2下安裝5.1.30的時候出現如下mysql錯 誤 MySQL manager orserverPIDfilecould not befound![FAILED] Starting MySQL.Manager of pid-file quit without updating file.[FAILED]mysql 檢視錯誤日誌 預設的mysql錯誤日誌是在/usr/local/mysql/data 下
在centos5.2下安裝5.1.30的時候出現如下mysql錯 誤 MySQL manager orserverPIDfilecould not befound![FAILED] Starting MySQL.Manager of pid-file quit without updating file.[FAILED]mysql 檢視錯誤日誌 預設的mysql錯誤日誌是在/usr/local/mysql/data 下
MySQL manager orserverPIDfilecould not befound![FAILED]
Starting MySQL.Manager of pid-file quit without updating file.[FAILED]mysql
預設的mysql錯誤日誌是在/usr/local/mysql/data 下面 more ****.err 有下面的資訊
090302 02:27:26 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /opt/mysql/ ended
090302 02:30:03 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /opt/mysql
090302 2:30:03 [ERROR] /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld: unknown option'--skip-federated'
090302 2:30:03 [ERROR] Aborting
只要將/etc/my.cnf裡面的 skip federated註釋掉即可。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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