可以使用oracle磁碟響應資料夾中的dbca.rsp [oracle@dongyang database]$ ls doc install response runInstaller stage welcome.html [oracle@dongyang database]$ cd response/ [oracle@dongyang response]$ ls custom.rsp dbca.rsp emca.rsp enterprise.rsp netca.rsp standard.rsp [oracle@dongyang response]$
[oracle@dongyang ~]$ dbca -help |more
dbca [-silent |
-progressOnly | -customCreate] {
nd> [options] ]
-responseFile | false>] Please refer to the manual for details. You can enter one of the following command:
Create a database by specifying the following parameters: -createDatabase 建立資料庫(步驟寫的很清楚,根據提示寫命令) 配置主要的幾個引數,其餘的可以在建完之後修改
-templateName [-cloneTemplate] --選擇模板 (預設為通用模板)
[-systemPassword [-emConfiguration <CENTRAL|LOCAL|ALL|NOBACKUP|NOEMAIL|NONE> --配置EM --引數選擇配置的方式
-sysmanPassword 以上引數基本可以建庫了,在加上響應檔案就可以了。
[-centralAgent [-datafileDestination <destination directory for all database files tablespaces, redo log files and spfile to their corresponding raw device file names mappings in name=value format.>] 這個引數指定資料檔案、日誌檔案、控制檔案存放路徑,預設為$ORACLE_BASE/oradata 設定了變數就不需要寫
[-datafileJarLocation r clone database creation>] [-storageType < FS | ASM | RAW>
[-diskList tabase area disk group>
r the recovery area disk group>
[-characterSet -指定字符集
[-nationalCharacterSet --指定國家字符集
[-variablesFile les in the template>]]
Configure a database by specifying the following parameters: -configureDatabase -sourceDB
-sysDBAPassword [-registerWithDirService|-unregisterWithDirService|-regenerateDBPas
Create a template from an existing database by specifying the following parameters: -createTemplateFromDB
Create a clone template from an existing database by specifying the following param eters: -createCloneTemplate -sourceSID
[-datafileJarLocation compressed format>]
Generate scripts to create database by specifying the following parameters: -generateScripts
Delete a database by specifying the following parameters: -deleteDatabase -sourceDB
Configure ASM DiskGroups by specifying the following parameters: -configureASM
[-diskList a disk group>
[-recoveryDiskList tabase area disk group>
-recoveryGroupName --More-- |
[oracle@dongyang response]$ dbca -silent -cloneTemplate -gdbName orcl -sid orcl -sysPassword oracle -systemPassword oracle -emConfiguration LOCAL -dbsnmpPassword oracle -sysmanPassword oracle characterSet AL32UTF8 -nationaICharaterSet AL16UTF16 -responseFile /home/oracle/database/response/dbca.rsp
[oracle@dongyang ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=orcl [oracle@dongyang ~]$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" 查詢資料庫當前可以的登入的賬號 SQL> select username,account_status from dba_users where account_status='OPEN';
USERNAME ACCOUNT_STATUS ------------------------------ -------------------------------- SYSTEM OPEN SYS OPEN MGMT_VIEW OPEN SYSMAN OPEN DBSNMP OPEN
SQL> 修改可以登入的賬號密碼 使用SQL生成一個修改使用者密碼的指令碼 SQL> select 'alter user '||username||' identified by oracle111;' from dba_users 2 where account_status='OPEN';
'ALTERUSER'||USERNAME||'IDENTIFIEDBYORACLE111;' ------------------------------------------------------------------ alter user SYSTEM identified by oracle111; alter user SYS identified by oracle111; alter user MGMT_VIEW identified by oracle111; alter user SYSMAN identified by oracle111; alter user DBSNMP identified by oracle111;
將結果儲存到/u01/app/oracle/pass.sql 開啟spool建立一個檔案 SQL> spool /u01/app/oracle/pass.sql 執行的結果都會保留在檔案中 SQL> /
'ALTERUSER'||USERNAME||'IDENTIFIEDBYORACLE111;' ------------------------------------------------------------------ alter user SYSTEM identified by oracle111; alter user SYS identified by oracle111; alter user MGMT_VIEW identified by oracle111; alter user SYSMAN identified by oracle111; alter user DBSNMP identified by oracle111; 關閉spool SQL> spool off 使用OS命令 只保留/u01/app/oracle/pass.sql檔案中以alter開頭的所有行、
SQL> ho sed -n '/^alter/p' /u01/app/oracle/pass.sql -i 檢視/u01/app/oracle/pass.sql檔案內容 SQL> ho cat /u01/app/oracle/pass.sql alter user SYSTEM identified by oracle111; alter user SYS identified by oracle111; alter user MGMT_VIEW identified by oracle111; alter user SYSMAN identified by oracle111; alter user DBSNMP identified by oracle111; 執行指令碼修改密碼 SQL> @/u01/app/oracle/pass.sql
User altered.
User altered.
User altered.
User altered.
User altered.
[oracle@dongyang templates]$ pwd /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/assistants/dbca/templates [oracle@dongyang templates]$ ls Data_Warehouse.dbc New_Database.dbt Seed_Database.dfb example.dmp General_Purpose.dbc Seed_Database.ctl Transaction_Processing.dbc example01.dfb [oracle@dongyang templates]$
[oracle@dongyang ~]$ dbca -silent -createDatabase -templateName $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates/General_Purpose.dbc -gdbName orcl1 sid orcl1 -sysPassword oracle -systemPassword oracle -responseFile NO_VALUE characterSet AL32UTF8 -nationaICharaterSet AL16UTF16 –emConfiguration LOCAL -dbsnmpPassword oracle -sysmanPassword oracle
-responseFile NO_VALUE --不使用響應檔案 |
[oracle@dongyang ~]$ ps -ef |grep ora_ oracle 4063 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:12 ora_pmon_fengzi oracle 4065 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:06 ora_psp0_fengzi oracle 4067 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:06 ora_mman_fengzi oracle 4069 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:10 ora_dbw0_fengzi oracle 4071 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:09 ora_lgwr_fengzi oracle 4073 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:20 ora_ckpt_fengzi oracle 4075 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:02 ora_smon_fengzi oracle 4077 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:00 ora_reco_fengzi oracle 4079 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:15 ora_cjq0_fengzi oracle 4081 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:11 ora_mmon_fengzi oracle 4083 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:12 ora_mmnl_fengzi oracle 4085 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:00 ora_d000_fengzi oracle 4087 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:00 ora_s000_fengzi oracle 4090 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:05 ora_asmb_fengzi oracle 4094 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:06 ora_rbal_fengzi oracle 4097 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:00 ora_o000_fengzi oracle 4101 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:06 ora_rvwr_fengzi oracle 4107 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:00 ora_arc0_fengzi oracle 4111 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:01 ora_arc1_fengzi oracle 4115 1 0 09:04 ? 00:00:01 ora_qmnc_fengzi oracle 4127 1 0 09:05 ? 00:00:00 ora_q000_fengzi oracle 4129 1 0 09:05 ? 00:00:01 ora_q001_fengzi oracle 5468 4016 0 11:44 pts/2 00:00:00 grep ora_ [oracle@dongyang ~]$
[oracle@dongyang ~]$ dbca -help Create a clone template from an existing database by specifying the following parameters: -createCloneTemplate --建立克隆模板 -sourceSID --指定SID
[oracle@dongyang ~]$ dbca -silent -createCloneTemplate -sourceSID fengzi -templateName clonefengzi |
[oracle@dongyang ~]$ ls $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates Data_Warehouse.dbc New_Database.dbt Seed_Database.dfb example.dmp General_Purpose.dbc Seed_Database.ctl Transaction_Processing.dbc example01.dfb Clonefengzi.dbc Clonefengzi.dfb Clonefengzi.ctl [oracle@dongyang ~]$
.ctl字尾檔案 --是控制檔案的備份 .dbc字尾檔案 -- 這個就是克隆的模板 .dfb字尾檔案 --RMAN進行的備份集,其中包括庫中所有資料檔案 |
[oracle@dongyang ~]$dbca -silent -createDatabase -templateName $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/templates/clonefengzi.dbc -gdbName orcl2 -sid orcl2 -datafileDestination $ORACLE_BASE/oradata -responseFile NO_VALUE characterSet AL32UTF8 -nationaICharaterSet AL16UTF16 –emConfiguration LOCAL -dbsnmpPassword oracle -sysmanPassword oracle
[oracle@dongyang ~]$ dbca –help Delete a database by specifying the following parameters: -deleteDatabase -sourceDB 一定是SID )
[oracle@dongyang ~]$dbca –silent –deleteDatabase -sourceDB orcl1 |
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