1. 部署vSphere Data Protection 6.0
已下載vSphereDataProtection-6.0.ova,容量為4.31GB,登入vSphere Client,檔案---部署OVF模板,選擇該ova檔案,按嚮導步驟進行匯入。
2. 關於VMX重新註冊入主機清單,以及手動更改VM網路卡MAC地址。
解決方案:備份並複製vmdk檔案;重建VM,指定相應複製出來的vmdk檔案。新增新網路卡並手動更改相應的MAC地址。編輯重建後的VM的配置檔案:ethernetN.checkMACAddress = “false”。
How to register/add a VM to the Inventory in vCenter Server (1006160)
Unable to manually change MAC address for virtual machine (2007042)
Setting a static MAC address for a virtual NIC (219)
3. 查閱了關於GridFTP的資料
The underlying TCP connection in FTP has numerous settings such as window size and buffer size. GridFTP allows automatic (or manual) negotiation of these settings to provide optimal transfer speeds and reliability (settings are likely to need to be different for best performance with large files and for large groups of files).
GT 6.0 GridFTP : System Administrator’s Guide
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/20659905/viewspace-2128196/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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