oracle temporary table

It is also possible to create a temporary table. The definition of a temporary table is visible to all sessions, but the data in a temporary table is visible only to the session that inserts the data into the table. Use the CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement to create a temporary table. The ON COMMIT clause indicate if the data in the table is transaction-specific (the default) or session-specific.[@more@]

臨時表分為兩種 會話臨時表和事務臨時表

  • 會話臨時表指臨時表中的資料只在會話生命週期存在,當會話結束後,自動truncate表中此session的資料;
  • 事務臨時表指臨時表中的資料只在事務生命週期存在,當事務提交或者回滾後,自動truncate表中資料;

create global temporary temp_session(columns...) on commit preserve rows;--session temporary table

create global temporary temp_transaction(columns...) on commit delete rows;--transaction temporary table

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
