Public Private VIP的區別

  • An IP address with an associated network name registered in the domain name service (DNS) for the public interface. If you do not have an available DNS, then record the network name and IP address in the system hosts file, /etc/hosts.

  • One virtual IP (VIP) address with an associated network name registered in DNS. If you do not have an available DNS, then record the network name and VIP address in the system hosts file, /etc/hosts. Select an address for your VIP that meets the following requirements:

    • The IP address and network name are currently unused

    • The VIP is on the same subnet as your public interface

    Before installation, check that the default gateway can be accessed by a ping command. During installation, OUI uses the ping command to ensure that the VIP is reachable. To find the default gateway, use the route command, as described in your operating system's help utility. After installation, configure clients to use either the VIP address, or the network name associated with the VIP. If a node fails, then the node's virtual IP address fails over to another node.

  • A private IP address with a host name for each private interface

    Oracle recommends that you use private network IP addresses for these interfaces (for example: 10.*.*.* or 192.168.*.*). Use the /etc/hosts file on each node to associate private network names with private IP addresses.

    1 VIP是在clusterware安裝最後階段,通過指令碼VIPCA建立的;
    2 VIP作為一個Nodeapps型別的CRS Resource註冊到OCR中,並由CRS維護狀態;
    3 VIP會繫結到節點的public 網路卡上;那麼public網路卡就有兩個地址了;
    4 當某個節點發生故障時,CRS會把故障節點的VIP轉移到其他節點上;
    5 每個節點的Listener會同時在public網路卡的public IP和VIP兩個地址上監聽;
    6 客戶端的tnsname.ora一般會配置指向節點的VIP;

    public    公共IP地址,對外提供服務的IP。
    private   私有IP地址,RAC內部之間通訊。
    vip       虛擬IP地址,用於網路出現故障時進行IP地址漂移。

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
