lsvg command
Displays information about volume groups.
The lsvg command displays information about volume groups. If you use the VolumeGroup parameter, only the information for that volume group is displayed. If you do not use the VolumeGroup parameter, a list of the names of all defined volume groups is displayed.
When information from the Device Configuration database is unavailable, some of the fields will contain a question mark (?) in place of the missing data. The lsvg command attempts to obtain as much information as possible from the description area when the command is given a logical volume identifier.
Full scripting support is provided to the lsvg command by using the -field FieldNames and -fmt Delimiter flags. The -field flag will allow the user to select which output fields to display and in what order, while the -fmt flag provides scriptable output. The output fields will be displayed in the order they appear on the command line.
If you do not specify any flags, the following information will be displayed:
Volume group | Name of the volume group. Volume group names must be unique and can range from 1 to 15 characters. |
Volume group state | State of the volume group. If the volume group is active, the state is either active/complete (indicating all physical volumes are active) or active/partial (indicating some physical volumes are not active). If the volume group is not active, the state is inactive. |
Permission | Access permission: read-only or read-write. |
Max LVs | Maximum number of logical volumes allowed in the volume group. |
LVs | Number of logical volumes currently in the volume group. |
Open LVs | Number of logical volumes within the volume group that are currently open. |
Total PVs | Total number of physical volumes within the volume group. |
Active PVs | Number of physical volumes that are currently active. |
VG identifier | The volume group identifier. |
PP size | Size of each physical partition. |
Total PPs | Total number of physical partitions within the volume group. |
Free PPs | Number of physical partitions not allocated. |
Alloc PPs | Number of physical partitions currently allocated to logical volumes. |
Quorum | Number of physical volumes needed for a majority. |
VGDS | Number of volume group descriptor areas within the volume group. |
Auto-on | Automatic activation at IPL (yes or no). |
Concurrent | States whether the volume group is Concurrent Capable or Non-Concurrent Capable. |
Auto-Concurrent | States whether you should auto activate the Concurrent Capable volume group in concurrent or non-concurrent mode. For volume groups that are Non-Concurrent Capable, this value defaults to Disabled. |
VG Mode | The mode of the volume group: Concurrent or Non-Concurrent. |
Node ID | Node id of this node if volume group is in concurrent node. |
Active Nodes | Node ids of other concurrent nodes that have this volume group active. |
Max PPs Per PV | Maximum number of physical partitions per physical volume allowed for this volume group. |
Max PVs | Maximum number of physical volumes allowed in this volume group. |
LTG size | Logical track group size, in number of kilobytes, of the volume group. |
BB POLICY | Bad block relocation policy of the volume group. |
SNAPSHOT VG | Snapshot volume group name if the snapshot volume group is active else snapshot volume group identifier. |
PRIMARY VG | Original volume group name of a snapshot volume group if the original volume group is active else original volume group identifier. |
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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