Cursor pin S wait on X 事件

V$SESSION中的P1, P2,P3定義:

    P1: 遊標的hash值
    P2: 頭兩個位元組表示holding Mutex SID, 後面兩個位元組通常為0
    P3: Mutex where an internal code locator 或 with mutex sleeps

   select * from v$mutex_sleep

   MUTEX_TYPE                       LOCATION                                     SLEEPS  WAIT_TIME
-------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------
Cursor Parent                    kksfbc [KKSPRTLOC2]                              42         49
Cursor Pin                       kksSetBindType [KKSCHLPIN3]                      20     378277
Cursor Pin                       kkslce [KKSCHLPIN2]                      1819288987 3378316655

從以上檢視中發現一個mutex_type cursor pin有嚴重的sleeps和等待。

   select sid, p2raw from v$session where event='cursor: pin S wait on X'

       發現所有的sid 的p2raw值相同,通過擷取p2raw頭兩位,轉化成十進位制,獲得holding mutext的SID,然後找出對應的程式將其kill。
      在檢視holding SID與blocked SID關係的時候,需要用system dump:
        alter session set events 'immediate trace name systemstate level 266';
       alter session set events 'immediate trace name systemstate level 266';

     holding 程式: Process 33
        KGX Atomic Operation Log c00000047d792a58
       Mutex c000000472849030(450, 0) idn 9d25e55e oper EXCL
       Cursor Pin uid 450 efd 0 whr 1 slp 0
      name=update b_m_tdm_elec_xmd Set  chanl_cust_no = :a0,date_id=:a1 where pro_id=:a  and tlr_id=:b  and date_id=:c and acct_no=:d
    Blocked 程式: process 26
       waiting for 'cursor: pin S wait on X' blocking sess=0x0000000000000000 seq=32649 wait_time=0 seconds
             since wait started=0  idn=9d25e55e, value=1c200000000, where|sleeps=50106dcec

KGX Atomic Operation Log c00000047d28bc08
       Mutex c000000472849030(450, 0) idn 9d25e55e oper GET_SHRD
       Cursor Pin uid 568 efd 0 whr 5 slp 49205
      name=update b_m_tdm_elec_xmd Set  chanl_cust_no = :a0,date_id=:a1 where pro_id=:a  and tlr_id=:b  and date_id=:c and acct_no=:d

從dump檔案可以看出, holding 程式執行update語句,獲取Mutex 為獨享模式(oper EXCL)。而blodked 程式執行相同的update語句,想獲取共享模式(oper GET_SHRD),發生等待,等待的SID=450。


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