設定32位的windows2003使用大記憶體 大於1.7
前兩天出差遇到:32位的windows 2003使用大於1.7的記憶體的問題,PCserver上記憶體為16G,但由於32位的CPU的在windows系統中2G給系統用2G給應用程式使用,如系統及oracle引數不作修改時,oracle的SGA記憶體使用不能超過1.7G,所以要對一些進行windos
1.修改boot.ini檔案,加/3GB /PAE:
在這行,multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows" /3GB /PAE
ORA-27102 out of memory
OSD-00034 Message 34 not found; Product=RDBMS;facility =SOSD
O/S Error: (OS 8) Not enough storage is available to process this command
3.修改windows控制皮膚中的管理工具--> 域安全策略-->本地安全策略-->使用者許可權分配-->鎖定記憶體頁(記憶體中鎖定頁面)中加入啟oracle資料庫的OS使用者名稱.
1.在改引數之前最好能先備份一個spfile到pfile檔案以防資料庫修改失敗時可以從這個引數檔案在啟動資料庫: create pfile='d:\inittest.ora' from spfile;
_db_block_lru_latches --這個引數據大小為=CPU數*2*8
SQL> shutdown immediate;
SQL> startup
Total System Global Area 1008280152 bytes
Fixed Size 455256 bytes
Variable Size 478150656 bytes
Database Buffers 528482304 bytes
Redo Buffers 1191936 bytes
SQL> alter system set "_db_block_lru_latches"=32 scope=spfile;
SQL> alter system reset db_cache_size scope=spfile sid='*';
SQL> alter system set lock_sga=false scope=spfile;
SQL> alter system set db_block_buffers=1179648 scope=spfile;
SQL> alter system set use_indirect_data_buffers=true scope=spfile;
SQL> create pfile='f:\init2.ora' from spfile;
SQL> shutdown immediate;
可以通過OEM來修改PGA,shared pool這些記憶體大小
SQL> startup
Total System Global Area 7516192768 bytes
Fixed Size 455256 bytes
Variable Size 478150656 bytes
Database Buffers 3528482304 bytes
Redo Buffers 1191936 bytes
Subject: | Implementing Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) or VLM on Windows Platforms | |||
| Note:225349.1 | Type: | BULLETIN | |
| Last Revision Date: | 11-JUL-2007 | Status: | PUBLISHED |
To address the growing need for use of more memory on 32-Bit Windows platforms,
and explain how AWE is implemented by Oracle on Windows.
Oracle DBA's running on the Microsoft Windows platform.
Oracle Support Analysts, Field Engineers troubleshooting problems
related to AWE and/or memory issues on Windows.
AWE Memory implementation on Windows 2000
A common question on the Windows NT/Windows 2000 platform. revolves around
how to take advantage of systems with more than 4 GB of RAM. As discussed
in MetalinkNote 46001.1andNote 46053.1, the 32-Bit process address
space for any process on Windows equates to a total of 4GB of addressable
RAM. Of this, by default, 2GB is reserved for the process itself, and 2GB
for the kernel. On systems running either Windows 2000 Advanced Server,
or Windows NT 4.0 Enterprise Edition, this ratio can be changed by adding
the /3GB switch to the boot.ini, allowing a process to address 3GB and
reserving 1GB for the kernel. However, the total addressable memory for
a single process is still only 4GB.
See alsoNote 1036312.6: Utilizing Up to 3GB Virtual Memory on Windows NT Server 4.0
What can be done to address memory beyond 4GB?:
The answer is to take advantage of Physical Address Extensions (PAE), or
Address Windowing Extensions (AWE)(These two terms are used interchangeably,
so the rest of this document will refer to this simply as AWE).
AWE support is available if you are running on a machine with more than 4GB
of physical RAM which is running any of the below Windows operating systems:
* Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
* Windows 2000 Advanced Server
* Windows 2003 Data Center Edition (32-Bit)
* Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition (32-Bit)
On the above operating systems, AWE support is built into the OS. No
special drivers are needed to take advantage of the additional memory.
AWE CANNOT be used on the following Operating Systems:
* Windows 2000 Server (Standard)
* Windows 2000 Professional
* Windows XP Home Edition
* Windows XP Professional
* Windows 2003 Standard Edition
* Windows 2003WebEdition
NOTE Also that on 64-Bit Windows operating systems, there is no need for AWE
implementation support, because the directly addressable memory for a single
process on 64-Bit Windows is 8 Terabytes.
Oracle versions that can use AWE:
Oracle can take advantage of AWE in the following 32-Bit RDBMS releases:
* Oracle8.1.6.x
* Oracle 8.1.7.x
* Oracle 9.2.x
* Oracle 10.1.x
* Oracle 10.2.x
Oracle does NOT implement AWE support in release 9.0.1.x
AWE support is available on both the Enterprise Edition of Oracle and
the Standard Edition of Oracle. However, on Standard Edition of,
you may receive the following error if trying to start the database with
In Standard Edition and, you will not receive the above errors,
but VLM functionality is still not enabled. Refer to BUG#2945011 for more detail.
This BUG is fixed in Patch 2, and will be fixed in as well.
Enabling support at the OS level:
AWE can be enabled at the OS by adding the /PAE switch to the boot.ini
as such:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server" /PAE
It IS possible to have BOTH the /PAE and /3GB switch in place on the same
machine, as such:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server" /3GB /PAE
However, be aware that if BOTH switches are in place, the server will only
be able to recognize up to 16GB of RAM. If you are working with a server
with more than 16GB of RAM, you will need to choose between the two.
It is important to note that once either or both of these switches are in
place in the boot.ini, ALL processes running can take advantage of these
switches. Thus, in a case where multiple Oracle instances are running on
the same server, ALL instances can take advantage of the additional memory
afforded by these switches, up to the amount of physical memory on the box.
Operating System Privileges Needed at the OS Level:
In order to take advantage of the additional memory afforded through PAE,
the operating system user account which is used to start the OracleService
must be granted the 'Lock Pages in Memory' system privilege at the operating system
level. By default, the OracleService
The LocalSystem account has the privilege to Lock Pages in Memory granted to
it by default.
However, if you change the OracleService
LocalSystem, you may see the following errors when attempting to start the
database with USE_INDIRECT_DATA_BUFFERS set to TRUE :
SQL> startup pfile=c:\temp\initscott.ora
ORA-27102: out of memory
OSD-00010: Message 10 not found; product=RDBMS; facility=SOSD
O/S-Error: (OS 1300) Not all privileges referenced are assigned to the caller.
To rectify this, you must grant the 'Lock pages in memory' privilege to the user
that the OracleService
Start -> Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy
(on a Domain Controller, click on 'Domain Security Policy' instead of 'Local Security Policy')
Double-click on the 'Lock Pages in memory' policy.
Add the appropriate user and click 'Ok'.
Restart the OracleService
Understanding the Oracle implementation of AWE support:
What the PAE switch allows you to do from the Oracle perspective is to
increase the amount of memory that can be used for the Oracle Database
Block Buffer Cache. It is important to note that this additional memory
can ONLY be used by Oracle in the form. of an increased value for
There is still confusion on the old style. of VLM versus AWE on Windows 2000.
With VLM on Windows NT 4.0, there was the concept of pointers pointing to
the extended memory area, but that is no longer the case on Windows 2000.
Instead, the windowing technology as described in these articles is being
used. For more information on AWE/PAE implementation on the Windows
platform, refer to Microsoft's website.
As mentioned previously, with AWE enabled, this allows the process(es)
(in this case ORACLE.EXE) to use memory above and beyond the 4GB
mark defined by a 32-Bit Process Address space. The physical location of
these blocks does not matter. However, the database blocks must still be
accessed from within a ‘window’, which exists (logically) in that regular
3GB process address space.
The size of this window is defined by a registry setting in the HOME key for
Oracle (HKLM\Software\Oracle\Homex) called AWE_WINDOW_MEMORY. By default,
this value is 1GB, so if this value is not set in the registry,
If you add the registry key yourself, the datatype should be a string value,
or a REG_SZ. The value for AWE_WINDOW_MEMORY must be specified in BYTES.
It is important to realize that any database blocks accessed by Oracle
(or any user/background thread within Oracle.exe) must first be mapped into
the 'window' defined by AWE_WINDOW_MEMORY. In this scenario, it does not
matter where the blocks are physically located - there is no need to be
concerned with where the blocks are physically residing. The window will be
drawn around the block (i.e. the block will be mapped) wherever it is located
in memory. If the block is in memory but has not been mapped into the
‘window’, then it may be necessary to unmapped another block that IS in the
window, in order to accommodate the new block. While this mapping and
unmapping of blocks does add some cost, it is still faster than incurring
an I/O operation to read the block from disk. This will be discussed
further down in the section on troubleshooting.
Keep in mind that if there are multiple instances on a machine with
the /PAE switch enabled, ALL instances can take advantage of the additional
memory. However, AWE_WINDOW_MEMORY cannot be set on a per-instance basis,
so all databases that are running out of the HOMEx key where
AWE_WINDOW_MEMORY is set will inherit the same value.
Enabling AWE Support at the Database/Instance Level:
To enable the AWE implementation on Oracle, you must set the following
parameter in the init file (or spfile) used to start the instance:
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/23368118/viewspace-692324/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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