HP-UX Kernel Configuration for Oracle for 8i/9i (2)
Maxtsize |
Max Text Segment size (Bytes) Recommended: 128MB
max_fcp_reqs |
Maximum Number of Concurrent Fiber Channel Requests Per Adapter recommended: 512
maxswapchunks |
maximum number of swap chunks where SWCHUNK is the swap chunk size (1 KB blocks). (related to parameter swchunk) Default: 2048recommended:<= Oracle 8i = 4096
maxusers |
Value of MAXUSERS macro, limits theSsstem resource allocation (not the actual number of users). Influences nproc, ninode, nfile. default=32. recommended: set to number of concurrent Oracle DB users + 64
maxuprc |
Max Number of simultaneous user processes (per user-id!). default=75 Because all database processes often run with the Oracle user-id, it's recommended: <= Oracle 8.1.7 = maxusers * 5 >= Oracle 9i = ((NPROC*9)/10)
Maxvgs |
Max. number of volume groups: Default: 10 Recommended: increase to the number of volume groups you would like to have on the system (maximum 256)
Defines the maximum number of message map entries. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (MSGTQL + 2)
Defines the number of message queue identifiers. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (NPROC) |
Defines the number of segments available for messages. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (NPROC * 4) (at least 32767)
Defines the number of message headers. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (NPROC)
Defines the maximum number of pending timeouts. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (NPROC + 16)
Defines the Directory Name Lookup Cache (DNLC) space needed for inodes. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = ((8 * NPROC + 2048) + VX_NCSIZE) VX_NCSIZE is by default 1024.
nfile |
Max Number of simultaneously Open files system-wide at any given time. Total number of slots it the file descriptor table, default=16*(nproc+16+maxusers)/10+32+ 2*(npty+nstrpty) recommended: <= Oracle 8.1.7 = to use default. >= Oracle 9i = (15 * NPROC + 2048)
Defines the maximum number of open inodes. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (8 * NPROC + 2048)
Defines the maximum number of kernel threads supported by the system. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (((NPROC * 7) / 4) + 16)
nproc |
Max Number of Processes that can exist simultaneously in the system, default=(20+8*MAXUSERS), influences ninode, nfile. recommended: <= Oracle 8.1.7 = to use default >= Oracle 9i = 4096
npty |
Number of ptys (pseudo ttys), default=60. recommended: if you are using rlogin/telnet connections from clients to server then increase npty up to the number of client users, otherwise use default. Note: ptys are not used when using Oracle SQL*Net
num_tachyon_adapters |
HP-UX 11.0 only Number of Tachyon-based Fiber Channel Adapters in the System Recommended: minimum 5, set to real number of Fiber Channel Adapters
HP-UX 11i – no support for tachyon adapters, the new is tachlite, which do not use this kernel parameter.
o_sync_is_o_dsync |
Enable/Disable translation of O_SYNC to O_DSYNC in open()/fcntl() calls, default=0. recommended: < Oracle 7.3 = o_sync_is_o_dsync=1 or use Oracle Patch for Bug #310042. >= Oracle7.3 = use default for o_sync_is_o_dsync=0 (patch #310042 not needed).
Defines the maximum number of semaphore map entries. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (SEMMNI + 2)
semmni |
Number of Semaphore Identifiers, specifies the maximum number of sets of semaphores that can exist simultaneously on the system, default=64. recommended: <= Oracle8i = use default or at least 10 per Oracle database >= Oracle9i = 4096
semmns |
Max Number of Semaphores, defines the system-wide maximum number of individual semaphores that can be allocated for users, default=128. recommended: <= Oracle 8.1.7 = 256 or at least 1 per Oracle process >= Oracle 9i = (semmni * 2)
Defines the number of semaphore undo structures. Recommended: >= Oracle 9i = (NPROC – 4) |
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