- Added Lambda file uploader (by @marcusant)
- Added recent links menu to tray menu
- Increased FFmpeg FPS limit to 60 and GIF FPS limit to 30
- "Screen color picker" in Tools menu is now called "Color picker"
- Added new "Screen color picker" tool which allows to get color from screen quickly
- Added "Screen recording (FFmpeg)" and "Screen recording (GIF)"hotkeys and removed screen recording output option to make it easy toset hotkey
ShareX 是開源的高階截圖工具和螢幕記錄器。使用 ShareX,只需要一個快捷鍵就可以儲存截圖到你的貼上板,硬碟或者上傳到 40 不同的檔案儲存服務上。ShareX 的外掛還可以上傳圖片,文字檔案和其他各種檔案型別。