Oracle 對RAW 的官方評價
Raw devices are disk partitions or logical volumes that have not been formatted with a file system. When you use raw devices for database file storage, Oracle writes data directly to the partition or volume, bypassing the operating system file system layer. For this reason, you can sometimes achieve performance gains by using raw devices. However, because raw devices can be difficult to create and administer, and because the performance gains over modern file systems are minimal, Oracle recommends that you choose Automatic Storage Management or file system storage in preference to raw devices.
其實Oracle 對RAW 支援還是不夠,所以才認為RAW device 難建立和管理。如果是SA 兼DBA 的話,就不會出現Oracle 官方所擔心的問題了。所以DBA 必須要對SA 只是要有多點的認識,不然在方案選擇方面就比較侷限。
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