Unix kernel parameters for Oracle


(正好升級OS 所以將以前整理的翻出來,共享給大家。希望能有幫助)

Unix kernel parameters for Oracle Init.ora Parameter

Unix Kernel Parameter

db_block_buffers shmmax
db_files (maxdatafiles) nfile, maxfiles
large_pool_size shmmax
log_buffer shmmax
processes nproc, semmsl, semmns
shared_pool_size shmmax

Common Unix Kernel Parameter Definitions

The following Kernel Parameters tend to be generic across most Unix platforms. However,
their names may be different on your platform. Consult your Installation and Configuration Guide (ICG)
for the exact names.

maxfiles - Soft file limit per process.
maxuprc - Maximum number of simultaneous user processes per userid.
nfile - Maximum number of simultaneously open files systemwide at any given time.
nproc - Maximum number of processes that can exist simultaneously in the system.
shmmax - The maximum size(in bytes) of a single shared memory segment.
shmmin - The minimum size(in bytes) of a single shared memory segment.
shmmni - The number of shared memory identifiers.
shmseg - The maximum number of shared memory segments that can be attached by a process.
semmns - The number of semaphores in the system.
semmni - The number of semaphore set identifiers in the system; determines the number of semaphore sets that
can be created at any one time.
semmsl - The maximum number of sempahores that can be in one semaphore set. It should be same size as maximum
number of Oracle processes.


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