oracle reference:
In the SQL format, days is an integer between 0 and 999999999, hours is an integer between 0 and 23, and minutes and seconds are integers between 0 and 59. frac_secs is the fractional part(小數部分) of seconds between .0 and .999999999. One or more blanks separate days from hours. Additional blanks are allowed between format elements.
The following example uses the SQL format to select from the hr.employees table the employees who had worked for the company for at least 100 days on November 1, 2002:
oracle reference:
In the SQL format, days is an integer between 0 and 999999999, hours is an integer between 0 and 23, and minutes and seconds are integers between 0 and 59. frac_secs is the fractional part(小數部分) of seconds between .0 and .999999999. One or more blanks separate days from hours. Additional blanks are allowed between format elements.
The following example uses the SQL format to select from the hr.employees table the employees who had worked for the company for at least 100 days on November 1, 2002:
SELECT employee_id, last_name FROM employees WHERE hire_date + TO_DSINTERVAL('100 00:00:00') <= DATE '2002-11-01' ORDER BY employee_id; EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME ----------- --------------- 102 De Haan 203 Mavris 204 Baer 205 Higgins 206 Giet
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