cloudera learning7:Hadoop資源管理
Linux Control Groups(cgroups):在作業系統級別進行資源分配,可透過Cloudera Static Service Pools配置。
YARN排程器配置:對執行在YARN上的應用進行資源配置,比如M/R,implala。可透過Cloudera 動態資源池進行配置。
Memory Hard Limit
– If a process exceeds this limit, the kernel swaps out some of the process’s memory; if it cannot do so, the process will be killed
Memory Soft Limit
– When memory contenFon exists on the host, the OS targets the process to not exceed this limit
CPU Shares
– When CPU contenFon exists on the host, processes with higher CPU shares will be given more CPU time
I/O Weight
– Specify the proportion of I/O access available to the read requests performed by a process
YARN scheduler決定何時何處給應用分配Containers,Containers被賦予memory,CPU等資源。
1.FIFO Scheduler:先進先出排程器,基於時間順序分配資源。
2.Capacity Scheduler:資源分配到資源池,各資源池中採用FIFO分配資源。
3.Fair Scheduler(default,recommend):公平排程器。資源分配到帶有權重的資源池。各資源池之間按權重分配資源。
YARN Container資源分配: :Map task記憶體分配,CM default 1G。
Calculate the resources needed for other processes:
– Reserve 3GB or 20% of total memory for the OS
– Reserve resources for any non-Hadoop applicaFons
– Reserve resources for other any Hadoop components
– HDFS caching (if configured), NodeManager, DataNode
– Impalad, HBase RegionServer, Solr, etc.
Configure the YARN scheduler and application framework settings
– Based on the worker node profile determined above
– Determine the number of containers needed to best support YARN applicaFons based on the type of workload
– Monitor usage and tune estimated values to find optimal settings
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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