OGG-01705 Input checkpoint position is greater than the size of the file

OGG-01705  Input checkpoint position is greater than the size of the file


1.1 問題描述

ERROR   OGG-01705  Input checkpoint position 66814523 for input trail file '/gglog/dirdat/rfpzx901/re000330' is greater than the size of the file (66732270).  Please consult Oracle Knowledge Management Doc ID 1138409.1. for instructions.


1.2 問題分析

由於rep程式所在的機器突然down,導致Input checkpoint position 66814523 for input trail file '/gglog/dirdat/rfpzx901/re000330' is greater than the size of the file (66732270)


1.3 問題處理

GGSCI (gddb10) 34> info RFPZX901  


REPLICAT   RFPZX901  Last Started 2011-12-30 23:56   Status ABENDED

Checkpoint Lag       00:00:00 (updated 15:09:55 ago)

Log Read Checkpoint  File /gglog/dirdat/rfpzx901/re000330

                     2011-12-30 19:28:33.750572  RBA 66814523






GGSCI (gddb10) 35> alter rep RFPZX901, extseqno 000331, extrba 0

REPLICAT altered.


GGSCI (gddb10) 37> start RFPZX901


GGSCI (gddb10) 38> stats RFPZX901

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