預設dbms_scheduler job 選擇在哪個節點執行
This attribute should only be used for a database running in RAC mode. By default, it is set to TRUE. If you set instance_stickiness to TRUE, jobs start running on the instance with the lightest load and the Scheduler thereafter attempts to run on the instance that it last ran on. If that instance is either down or so overloaded that it will not start new jobs for a significant period of time, another instance will run the job. If the interval between runs is large, instance_stickiness will be ignored an the job will be handled as if it were a non-sticky job.
這個屬性在RAC中使用,預設是true, 是true時,會在負載輕的、上一次執行的節點上執行。 如果這個節點down了或負載太重不能建新的job,那麼會在另外的節點上執行。如果job執行間隔時間很長,這個值會被忽略
This attribute should only be used for a database running in RAC mode. By default, it is set to TRUE. If you set instance_stickiness to TRUE, jobs start running on the instance with the lightest load and the Scheduler thereafter attempts to run on the instance that it last ran on. If that instance is either down or so overloaded that it will not start new jobs for a significant period of time, another instance will run the job. If the interval between runs is large, instance_stickiness will be ignored an the job will be handled as if it were a non-sticky job.
這個屬性在RAC中使用,預設是true, 是true時,會在負載輕的、上一次執行的節點上執行。 如果這個節點down了或負載太重不能建新的job,那麼會在另外的節點上執行。如果job執行間隔時間很長,這個值會被忽略
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