

* add nodetool join command (CASSANDRA-2160)
* fix secondary indexes on pre-existing or streamed data (CASSANDRA-2244)
* initialize endpoint in gossiper earlier (CASSANDRA-2228)
* add ability to write to Cassandra from Pig (CASSANDRA-1828)
* add rpc_[min|max]_threads (CASSANDRA-2176)
* avoid exporting an un-requested row in sstable2json, when exporting
a key that does not exist (CASSANDRA-2168)
* add incremental_backups option (CASSANDRA-1872)
* add configurable row limit to Pig loadfunc (CASSANDRA-2276)
* validate column values in batches as well as single-Column inserts
* move sample schema from cassandra.yaml to schema-sample.txt,
a cli scripts (CASSANDRA-2007)
* avoid writing empty rows when scrubbing tombstoned rows (CASSANDRA-2296)
* fix assertion error in range and index scans for CL < ALL
* fix commitlog replay when flush position refers to data that didn't
get synced before server died (CASSANDRA-2285)
* fix fd leak in sstable2json with non-mmap'd i/o (CASSANDRA-2304)
* reduce memory use during streaming of multiple sstables (CASSANDRA-2301)
* purge tombstoned rows from cache after GCGraceSeconds (CASSANDRA-2305)
* allow zero replicas in a NTS datacenter (CASSANDRA-1924)
* make range queries respect snitch for local replicas (CASSANDRA-2286)
* fix HH delivery when column index is larger than 2GB (CASSANDRA-2297)
* make 2ary indexes use parent CF flush thresholds during initial build
* update memtable_throughput to be a long (CASSANDRA-2158)


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