1 初探
舉個具體的例子,分別向資料庫db中插入兩條資料,”a=1, b=1″ 和 “a=1, b=2”, 然後想查詢a=1的資料可能會使用這樣的語句db.query(a=1),結果就是返回前面插入的兩條資料; 如果想查詢a=1, b=2的資料,就使用這樣的語句db.query(a=1, b=2),結果就返回前面的第二條資料。
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import pydblite # 使用記憶體資料庫 pydb = pydblite.Base(':memory:') # 建立a,b,c三個欄位 pydb.create('a', 'b', 'c') # 為欄位a,b建立索引 pydb.create_index('a', 'b') # 插入一條資料 pydb.insert(a=-1, b=0, c=1) # 查詢符合特定要求的資料 results = pydb(a=-1, b=0) |
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import sqlite3 # 使用記憶體資料庫 con = sqlite3.connect(':memory:') # 建立a,b,c三個欄位 cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('create table test (a char(256), b char(256), c char(256));') # 為欄位a,b建立索引 cur.execute('create index a_index on test(a)') cur.execute('create index b_index on test(b)') # 插入一條資料 cur.execute('insert into test values(?, ?, ?)', (-1,0,1)) # 查詢符合特定要求的資料 cur.execute('select * from test where a=? and b=?',(-1, 0)) |
2 pydblite和sqlite的效能
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import time count = 100000 def timeit(func): def wrapper(*args, **kws): t = time.time() func(*args) print time.time() - t, kws['des'] return wrapper @timeit def test_insert(mdb, des=''): for i in xrange(count): mdb.insert(a=i-1, b=i, c=i+1) @timeit def test_query_object(mdb, des=''): for i in xrange(count): c = mdb(a=i-1, b=i) @timeit def test_sqlite_insert(cur, des=''): for i in xrange(count): cur.execute('insert into test values(?, ?, ?)', (i-1, i, i+1)) @timeit def test_sqlite_query(cur, des=''): for i in xrange(count): cur.execute('select * from test where a=? and b=?', (i-1, i)) print '-------pydblite--------' import pydblite pydb = pydblite.Base(':memory:') pydb.create('a', 'b', 'c') pydb.create_index('a', 'b') test_insert(pydb, des='insert') test_query_object(pydb, des='query, object call') print '-------sqlite3--------' import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect(':memory:') cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('create table test (a char(256), b char(256), c char(256));') cur.execute('create index a_index on test(a)') cur.execute('create index b_index on test(b)') test_sqlite_insert(cur, des='insert') test_sqlite_query(cur, des='query') |
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-------pydblite-------- 1.14199995995 insert 0.308000087738 query, object call -------sqlite3-------- 0.411999940872 insert 0.30999994278 query |
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-------pydblite-------- 0.0989999771118 insert 5.15300011635 query, object call -------sqlite3-------- 0.0169999599457 insert 7.43400001526 query |
3 優化
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class _BasePy2(_Base): def __iter__(self): """Iteration on the records""" return iter(self.records.itervalues()) class _BasePy3(_Base): def __iter__(self): """Iteration on the records""" return iter(self.records.values()) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: Base = _BasePy2 else: Base = _BasePy3 |
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class _Base(object): def __init__(self, path, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, save_to_file=True, sqlite_compat=False): """protocol as defined in pickle / pickle. Defaults to the highest protocol available. For maximum compatibility use protocol = 0 """ self.path = path """The path of the database in the file system""" self.name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] """The basename of the path, stripped of its extension""" self.protocol = protocol self.mode = None if path == ":memory:": save_to_file = False self.save_to_file = save_to_file self.sqlite_compat = sqlite_compat self.fields = [] """The list of the fields (does not include the internal fields __id__ and __version__)""" # if base exists, get field names if save_to_file and self.exists(): if protocol == 0: _in = open(self.path) # don't specify binary mode ! else: _in = open(self.path, 'rb') self.fields = pickle.load(_in) |
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def create(self, *fields, **kw): """ Create a new base with specified field names. Args: - *fields (str): The field names to create. - mode (str): the mode used when creating the database. - if mode = 'create' : create a new base (the default value) - if mode = 'open' : open the existing base, ignore the fields - if mode = 'override' : erase the existing base and create a new one with the specified fields Returns: - the database (self). """ self.mode = kw.get("mode", 'create') if self.save_to_file and os.path.exists(self.path): if not os.path.isfile(self.path): raise IOError("%s exists and is not a file" % self.path) elif self.mode is 'create': raise IOError("Base %s already exists" % self.path) elif self.mode == "open": return self.open() elif self.mode == "override": os.remove(self.path) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value given for 'open': '%s'" % open) self.fields = [] self.default_values = {} for field in fields: if type(field) is dict: self.fields.append(field["name"]) self.default_values[field["name"]] = field.get("default", None) elif type(field) is tuple: self.fields.append(field[0]) self.default_values[field[0]] = field[1] else: self.fields.append(field) self.default_values[field] = None self.records = {} self.next_id = 0 self.indices = {} self.commit() return self def create_index(self, *fields): """ Create an index on the specified field names An index on a field is a mapping between the values taken by the field and the sorted list of the ids of the records whose field is equal to this value For each indexed field, an attribute of self is created, an instance of the class Index (see above). Its name it the field name, with the prefix _ to avoid name conflicts Args: - fields (list): the fields to index """ reset = False for f in fields: if f not in self.fields: raise NameError("%s is not a field name %s" % (f, self.fields)) # initialize the indices if self.mode == "open" and f in self.indices: continue reset = True self.indices[f] = {} for _id, record in self.records.items(): # use bisect to quickly insert the id in the list bisect.insort(self.indices[f].setdefault(record[f], []), _id) # create a new attribute of self, used to find the records # by this index setattr(self, '_' + f, Index(self, f)) if reset: self.commit() |
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# records {0: {'__id__': 0, '__version__': 0, 'a': -1, 'b': 0, 'c': 1}, 1: {'__id__': 1, '__version__': 0, 'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2}} # indices {'a': {-1: [0], 0: [1]}, 'b': {0: [0], 1: [1]}} |
比方說現在我們想查詢a=0的資料,那麼就會在indices中找key為’a’的value,即{-1: set([0]), 0: set([1])},然後在這裡面找key為0的value,即[1],由此我們直到了我們想要的這條資料它的id是1(也可能會有多個);假設我們對資料還有其他要求比如a=0,b=1,那麼它會繼續上述的查詢過程,找到a=0和b=1分別對應的ids,做交集,就得到了滿足這兩個條件的ids,然後再到records里根據ids找到所有對應的資料。
python語句,不難看出,整個_Base為了同時相容python2和python3,不得不使用了2和3都支援的語句,這就導致在部分語句上針對特定版本的python就會造成浪費或者說是效能開銷。比如說,d是個字典,那麼為了同事相容python2和3,作者使用了類似與for key in d.keys()這樣的語句,在python2中,d.keys()會首先產生一個list,用d.iterkeys是個更明智的方案。再如,作者會使用類似set(d.keys()) – set([1])這樣的語句,但是python2中,使用d.viewkeys() – set([1])效率將會更高,因為它不需要將list轉化成set。
4 memlite、pydblite和sqlite的效能
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@timeit def test_query_method(mdb, des=''): for i in xrange(count): c = mdb.query(a=i-1, b=i) print '-------memlite-------' import memlite db = memlite.Base() db.create('a', 'b', 'c') db.create_index('a', 'b') test_insert(db, des='insert') test_query_method(db, des='query, method call') |
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-------memlite------- 0.378000020981 insert 0.285000085831 query, method call -------pydblite-------- 1.3140001297 insert 0.309000015259 query, object call -------sqlite3-------- 0.414000034332 insert 0.3109998703 query |
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-------memlite------- 0.0179998874664 insert 5.90199995041 query, method call -------pydblite-------- 0.0980000495911 insert 4.87400007248 query, object call -------sqlite3-------- 0.0170001983643 insert 7.42399978638 query |