AMDU 從頭部損壞的磁碟中提取檔案


amdu -dis='/dev/sd*' -ba DATAVG ausize=1048576 blksize=4096 -external -extract=DATAVG.260

外部冗餘的需要指定 -external
blksize 是後設資料AU的大小

ba/ddisks               Include disks with bad headers
-baddisks :  Normally disks with bad disk headers, or that
    look like they were never part of a disk group, will not be
    scanned. This option forces them to be scanned anyway and to be
    considered part of the given diskgroup. This is most useful when
    a disk header has been damaged. The disk will still need to have
    a valid allocation table to drive the scan unless -fullscan is
    used. In any case at least one block in the first two AUs must be
    valid so that the disk number can be determined. The options
    -ausize and -blksize are required since these values are normally
    fetched from the disk header. If the diskgroup uses external
    redundancy then -external should be specified. These values will
    be compared against any valid disks found in the diskgroup and
    they must be the same.
bl/ksize                ASM block size for corrupt disks
-blksize : This option must be set when -baddisks is set. It
    must be a power of 2. This size is required to scan a disk looking
    for metadata, and it is normally read from the disk header. The
    value applies to all disks that do not have a valid header. The
    value from the disk header will be used if a valid header is
如果沒有以前資料檔案的列表,那麼ASM檔案號可以去嘗試UNLOAD 256號檔案,這個檔案一般是控制檔案

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
