使用10gR2 CRS搭建HA環境 & 一些測試結果






-p favored -h "nodename"
-o ap=1

原生的VIP可以新增,Define VIP with multiple interfaces to allow the failover capability [ID 783633.1]


/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_profile -create db01vip -t application -a /u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/usrvip -o i=eth1,ov=,on=
/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_register db01vip
/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_setperm db01vip -o root
/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_setperm db01vip -u user:oracle:r-x
/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_start db01vip

/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_profile -create fs_database1 -t application -d "Filesystem data1" -r db01vip -a /u01/app/oracle/product/crs/crs/public/action_FS_database1.scr -o ci=5,ra=60
/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_register fs_database1
/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_setperm fs_database1 -o root
/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_setperm fs_database1 -u user:oracle:r-x
/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_start fs_database1

/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_profile -create oradb01 -t application -d "Oracle instance 01" -r "db01vip fs_database1" -a /u01/app/oracle/product/crs/crs/public/action_DB_db01.scr -h "westzq3" -p favored -o ci=5,ra=60,ap=1
/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_register oradb01
/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_setperm oradb01 -o root
/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_setperm oradb01 -u user:oracle:r-x
/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/bin/crs_start oradb01

[root@westzq3 public]# cat action_FS_database1.scr
# *****************************************************************
# *                                                               *
# *    Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Oracle Corporation.               *
# *         All rights reserved.                                  *
# *                                                               *
# *    Copyright (c) 1991, 1999, 2002 Digital Equipment           *
# *                  Corporation                                  *
# *                                                               *
# *                                                               *
# *   All Rights Reserved.  Unpublished rights  reserved  under   *
# *   the copyright laws of the United States.                    *
# *                                                               *
# *   The software contained on this media  is  proprietary  to   *
# *   and  embodies  the  confidential  technology  of  Digital   *
# *   Equipment Corporation and Oracle Corporation.  Possession,  *
# *   use, duplication or dissemination of the software           *
# *   and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written    *
# *   license from Digital Equipment Corporation and Oracle       *
# *   Corporation                                                 *
# *                                                               *
# *   RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND   Use, duplication, or disclosure  *
# *   by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions  as  set  *
# *   forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)  of  DFARS  252.227-7013,  *
# *   or  in  FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.                       *
# *                                                               *
# *                                                               *
# *****************************************************************

ACTION=$1                     # Action (start, stop or check)

# Main section of Action Script. - starts, stops, or checks an application
# This script. is invoked by CRS when managing the application associated
# with this script.
# Argument:  $1 - start | stop | check
# Returns:   0 - successful start, stop, or check
#            1 - error

# Start section - start the process and report results
# If the Application Startup Commands (see description above) were used,
# little, if any modifications are needed in this section.  If not used,
# you may replace most of the contents in this section with your own
# start procedure code.

case $1 in
    /bin/mount /dev/mapper/oravg-lv_db01 /database1
    exit $?

# Stop section - stop the process and report results
# If the Application Stop Commands or Associated Processes (see descriptions
# above) were used,little, if any modifications are needed in this section.
# If not used, you may replace most of the contents in this section with
# your own stop procedure code.

    umount /database1
    exit $?

# Check section - check the process and report results
# Your application might allow you to implement more accurate process
# checking.  If so, you may choose to implement that code here. 
    if [[ `/bin/mount|grep database1|wc -c` -eq 0 ]]
       exit 1
       exit 0

    echo "usage: $0 {start stop check}"


exit 0

[root@westzq3 public]# cat action_DB_db01.scr
# *****************************************************************
# *                                                               *
# *    Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 Oracle Corporation.               *
# *         All rights reserved.                                  *
# *                                                               *
# *    Copyright (c) 1991, 1999, 2002 Digital Equipment           *
# *                  Corporation                                  *
# *                                                               *
# *                                                               *
# *   All Rights Reserved.  Unpublished rights  reserved  under   *
# *   the copyright laws of the United States.                    *
# *                                                               *
# *   The software contained on this media  is  proprietary  to   *
# *   and  embodies  the  confidential  technology  of  Digital   *
# *   Equipment Corporation and Oracle Corporation.  Possession,  *
# *   use, duplication or dissemination of the software           *
# *   and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written    *
# *   license from Digital Equipment Corporation and Oracle       *
# *   Corporation                                                 *
# *                                                               *
# *   RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND   Use, duplication, or disclosure  *
# *   by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions  as  set  *
# *   forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)  of  DFARS  252.227-7013,  *
# *   or  in  FAR 52.227-19, as applicable.                       *
# *                                                               *
# *                                                               *
# *****************************************************************

ACTION=$1                     # Action (start, stop or check)

# Main section of Action Script. - starts, stops, or checks an application
# This script. is invoked by CRS when managing the application associated
# with this script.
# Argument:  $1 - start | stop | check
# Returns:   0 - successful start, stop, or check
#            1 - error

# Start section - start the process and report results
# If the Application Startup Commands (see description above) were used,
# little, if any modifications are needed in this section.  If not used,
# you may replace most of the contents in this section with your own
# start procedure code.

case $1 in
    su - oracle -c "/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/crs/public/start_db.sh"
    exit $?

# Stop section - stop the process and report results
# If the Application Stop Commands or Associated Processes (see descriptions
# above) were used,little, if any modifications are needed in this section.
# If not used, you may replace most of the contents in this section with
# your own stop procedure code.

    su - oracle -c "/u01/app/oracle/product/crs/crs/public/stop_db.sh"
    exit $?

# Check section - check the process and report results
# Your application might allow you to implement more accurate process
# checking.  If so, you may choose to implement that code here. 
    if [[ `/bin/ps -ef|grep ora_smon_db01|grep -v grep|wc -c` -eq 0 ]]
       exit 1
       exit 0

    echo "usage: $0 {start stop check}"


exit 0

[root@westzq3 public]# cat st
start_db.sh  stop_db.sh  
[root@westzq3 public]# cat start_db.sh
lsnrctl start
export ORACLE_SID=db01
sqlplus "/as sysdba" <startup
if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]
  exit 0
  exit 1
[root@westzq3 public]# cat stop_db.sh
lsnrctl stop
export ORACLE_SID=db01
sqlplus "/as sysdba" <shutdown immediate
exit 0

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