

GGSCI (WINDOWS-0QO8SQ0) 6> dblogin userid system, password *****
Successfully logged into database.

GGSCI (WINDOWS-0QO8SQ0) 7> delete rep2
ERROR: Could not delete DB checkpoint for REPLICAT REP2 (OCI Error ORA-00942: ta
ble or view does not exist (status = 942). Deleting from checkpoint table ggate.
checkpoint, group 'REP2', key 2986303197 (0xb1ff5edd), SQL <DELETE FROM ggate.ch
eckpoint  WHERE group_name = 'REP2' AND        group_key  = 2986303197>).

GGSCI (WINDOWS-0QO8SQ0) 8> delete rep2 force
ERROR: Could not delete DB checkpoint for REPLICAT REP2 (OCI Error ORA-00942: ta
ble or view does not exist (status = 942). Deleting from checkpoint table ggate.
checkpoint, group 'REP2', key 2986303197 (0xb1ff5edd), SQL <DELETE FROM ggate.ch
eckpoint  WHERE group_name = 'REP2' AND        group_key  = 2986303197>).

GGSCI (WINDOWS-0QO8SQ0) 9> delete replicat rep2!
WARNING: Could not delete DB checkpoint for REPLICAT REP2 (OCI Error ORA-00942:
table or view does not exist (status = 942). Deleting from checkpoint table ggat
e.checkpoint, group 'REP2', key 2986303197 (0xb1ff5edd), SQL <DELETE FROM ggate.
checkpoint  WHERE group_name = 'REP2' AND        group_key  = 2986303197>).

GGSCI (WINDOWS-0QO8SQ0) 10> info all

Program     Status      Group       Lag at Chkpt  Time Since Chkpt

REPLICAT    RUNNING     REP1        00:00:00      00:00:01

直接刪除時,報錯 Could not delete DB checkpoint for REPLICAT REP2 (OCI Error ORA-00942.
delete replicat rep2!


<1h3 class="post-title entry-title" "="" style="font-weight: normal;padding: 0px;-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);position: relative;font-stretch: normal;font-size: 28px;line-height: normal">ERROR: Could not delete DB checkpoint for REPLICATDB version: version: Version:  RHEL 6GGSCI (oracledev10) 10>  delete Replicat REP ERROR: Could not delete DB checkpoint for REPLICAT REP (OCI Error ORA-00942: table or view does not exist (status = 942). Deleting from checkpoint table ggs_admin.ggchkpt, group 'REP', key 2292316344 (0x88a1f8b8), SQL <DELETE FROM ggs_admin.ggchkpt  WHERE group_name = 'REP' AND        group_key  = 2292316344>). The  above error was due to REPLICAT process added without specifying NODBCHECKPOINT argument when it got created initially. Solution:  Try deleting with "!" optionGGSCI (oracledev10) 12>  delete replicat REP ! WARNING: Could not delete DB checkpoint for REPLICAT REP (OCI Error ORA-00942: table or view does not exist (status = 942). Deleting from checkpoint table ggs_admin.ggchkpt, group 'REP', key 2292316344 (0x88a1f8b8), SQL <DELETE FROM ggs_admin.ggchkpt  WHERE group_name = 'REP' AND        group_key  = 2292316344>).Replicat REP Deleted now
Here, The “!” tells GoldenGate to ignore the checkpoint tableIf we wish to create Replicat  without checkpoint then use below command to create ADD REPLICAT <group>, EXTTRAIL <trail>, NODBCHECKPOINTIf we want to create Replicat  WITH checkpoint then use below command to create ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE ggs_admin.ggchkpt          ( create if not exists) ADD REPLICAT <group>, EXTTRAIL <trail>,  CHECKPOINTTABLE ggs_admin.ggchkpt

Refer: How Can I Delete A REPLICAT Created Without A Checkpoint Table? (Doc ID 965689.1)


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/31547066/viewspace-2655771/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
