Oracle OCP 1Z0 053 Q229(SecureFile LOB)

229.Which statements are true regarding SecureFile LOBs? (Choose all that apply.)
A. The amount of undo retained is user controlled.
B. SecureFile LOBs can be used only for nonpartitioned tables.
C. Fragmentation is minimized by using variable-sized chunks dynamically.
D. SecureFile encryption allows for random reads and writes of the encrypted datA.
E. It automatically detects duplicate LOB data and conserves space by storing only one copy.
Answer: CD


About Deduplication

SecureFiles Intelligent Deduplication, available with the Oracle Advanced Compression Option, enables Oracle Database to automatically detect duplicate LOB data within a LOB column or partition, and conserve space by storing only one copy of the data.

Note that you must have a license for the Oracle Advanced Compression Option before implementing SecureFiles Intelligent Deduplication. See Oracle Database Licensing Information for more information.

Note also that Oracle Streams does not support SecureFiles LOBs that are deduplicated.

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