Oracle OCP 1Z0 053 Q118(Automatic SQL Tuning Task)

118.Which is the source used by Automatic SQL Tuning that runs as part of the AUTOTASK framework?
A. SQL statements that are part of the AWR baseline only
B. SQL statements based on the AWR top SQL identification
C. SQL statements that are part of the available SQL Tuning Set (STS) only
D. SQL statements that are available in the cursor cache and executed by a user other than SYS
Answer: B

17.2.1 How Automatic SQL Tuning Works

Oracle Database automatically runs SQL Tuning Advisor on selected high-load SQL statements from the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) that qualify as tuning candidates. This task, called Automatic SQL Tuning, runs in the default maintenance windows on a nightly basis. By default, automatic SQL tuning runs for at most one hour. You can customize attributes of the maintenance windows, including start and end time, frequency, and days of the week.

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