Oracle OCP 1Z0 053 Q637(Scheduler Window)

637.Which three statements are true about windows? (Choose three.)
A. Only one window can be open at any given time
B. Consumer groups are associated with windows
C. Windows work with job classes to control resource allocation
D. The database service name must be provided during windows creation
E. Windows can automatically start job or change resource allocation among jobs for various time
Answer: ACE

B:Consumer groups應當是與resource plan關聯

Because only one window can be active at one time
, the following rules are used to determine which window is active when windows overlap:


Windows provide a way to automatically activate different resource plans at different times. Running jobs can then see a change in the resources that are allocated to them when there is a change in resource plan.

The key attributes of a window are its:

  • Schedule

    This controls when the window is in effect.

  • Duration

    This controls how long the window is open.

  • Resource plan

    This names the resource plan that activates when the window opens.

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