Oracle OCP 1Z0 053 Q71(ADDM AWR Interval)

71.The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) analysis runs every 60 minutes on your
database. Your database is facing a series of interrelated problems over a period of two hours. You need
to ensure that the ADDM analysis is run over a time span of two hours in future. What would you do?
A. Create two custom ADDM tasks.
B. Modify the AWR snapshot time interval to two hours.
C. Create a new scheduler window for a time period of two hours.
D. Modify the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) snapshot retention period to two hours.
Answer: B

retention period只是個snapshot的儲存時間

ADDM 在記錄每個AWR 快照之後會自動執行。每次記錄快照後,ADDM 會分析與最後兩個快照對應的時段。ADDM 會預先監視例項,以便在大多數瓶頸問題成為嚴重問題之前檢測到這些問題。多數情況下,ADDM 會為檢測到的問題提供建議解決方案,甚至可以量化這些建議的優勢。


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