Oracle OCP 1Z0-053 Q337(Rman Catalog Start with)

337.You have lost all your RMAN backup set pieces due to a disk failure. Unfortunately, you have an
automated cross-check script that also does a delete expired backupset command. You have restored all
the backup set pieces from tape. What command would you use to get those backup set pieces
registered in the recovery catalog and the control file of the database again?
A. register database
B. recover catalog
C. load backupset
D. synch metadata
E. catalog start with
Answer: E


Catalogs all valid backup sets, datafile and control file copies, and archived redo logs whose name start with string_pattern. The string pattern can be an ASM disk group, Oracle-managed files directory, or part of a file name (see Example 2-31).

RMAN reports any files in the disk location that it cannot catalog. RMAN must be connected to a mounted target database.

If the string pattern specifies a filename, then it matches the left part of the filename pattern. For example, /tmp/arc matches everything in directory /tmp/arc_dest and/tmp/archive/january as well as file /tmp/arc.cpy.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
