Oracle OCP IZ0-053 Q411(Workload Capture of RAC)


411.Which is true concerning Database Replay in an Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) database?
A. Workload capture is per instance.
B. You only need to restart one instance to begin workload capture.
C. Specifically in RAC, you shut down all instances, restart them individually, and begin workload capture
with the last instance started.
D. RAC does not support workload capture, but it does support workload replay.
E. None of the above.
Answer: E


Only one workload capture can be performed at any given time. If you have a Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) configuration, workload capture is performed for the entire database. To enable a clean state before starting to capture the workload, all the instances need to be restarted.

To restart all instances in a Oracle RAC configuration before workload capture:

  1. Shut down all the instances.

  2. Restart one of the instances.

  3. Start workload capture.

  4. Restart the rest of the instances.

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