Oracle OCP IZ0-053 Q692(Workload Capture and Replay)

692. Your company wants to upgrade the production database to a Real Application Clusters (RAC)
environment. You set up the best RAC database and want to replay a recorded workload captured from
the production database on the test machine.
The following steps may be used to replay the database workload:
1) Preprocess the captured workload
2) Restart the database in RESTRICTED mode.
3) Set up Replay Clients.
4) Restore the test database to the point when the capture started.
5) Remap connections.
Which is the correct sequence of the required steps?
A.1, 4, 3, 5
B.1, 4, 5, 3
C.2, 1, 5, 3, 4
D.1, 2, 4, 5, 3

3)Set up Replay Clients應該是最後一步




11.1 Steps for Replaying a Database Workload

Proper planning of the workload replay and preparation of the replay system ensures that the replay will be accurate. Before replaying a database workload, review and complete the following steps as appropriate:

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