Apache Httpd Server 2.2 Auth Password Formats
Notes about the password encryption formats generated and understood by Apache.
Basic Authentication
There are four formats that Apache recognizes for basic-authentication passwords. Note that not all formats work on every platform.:
PLAIN TEXT (i.e. unencrypted)Windows, BEOS, & Netware only.CRYPTUnix only. Uses the traditional Unix crypt(3) function with a randomly-generated 32-bit salt (only 12 bits used) and the first 8 characters of the password.SHA1"{SHA}" + Base64-encoded SHA-1 digest of the password.MD5"$apr1$" + the result of an Apache-specific algorithm using an iterated (1,000 times) MD5 digest of various combinations of a random 32-bit salt and the password. See the APR source file for the details of the algorithm.Generating values with htpasswd
$ htpasswd -nbm myName myPassword
$ htpasswd -nbs myName myPassword
$ htpasswd -nbd myName myPassword
Generating CRYPT and MD5 values with the OpenSSL command-line program
OpenSSL knows the Apache-specific MD5 algorithm.
$ openssl passwd -apr1 myPassword
openssl passwd -crypt myPassword
Validating CRYPT or MD5 passwords with the OpenSSL command line program
The salt for a CRYPT password is the first two characters (converted to a binary value). To validate myPassword against rqXexS6ZhobKA
$ openssl passwd -crypt -salt rq myPassword
Warning: truncating password to 8 characters
Note that using myPasswo instead of myPassword will produce the same result because only the first 8 characters of CRYPT passwords are considered.
The salt for an MD5 password is between $apr1$ and the following $ (as a Base64-encoded binary value - max 8 chars). To validate myPasswordagainst $apr1$r31.....$HqJZimcKQFAMYayBlzkrA/
$ openssl passwd -apr1 -salt r31..... myPassword
Database password fields for mod_dbd
The SHA1 variant is probably the most useful format for DBD authentication. Since the SHA1 and Base64 functions are commonly available, other software can populate a database with encrypted passwords that are usable by Apache basic authentication.
To create Apache SHA1-variant basic-authentication passwords in various languages:
'{SHA}' . base64_encode(sha1($password, TRUE))
"{SHA}" + new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(java.security.MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1").digest(password.getBytes()))
"{SHA}" & ToBase64(BinaryDecode(Hash(password, "SHA1"), "Hex"))
require 'digest/sha1'
require 'base64'
'{SHA}' + Base64.encode64(Digest::SHA1.digest(password))
C or C++
Use the APR function: apr_sha1_base64
PostgreSQL (with the contrib/pgcrypto functions installed)
Apache recognizes one format for digest-authentication passwords - the MD5 hash of the string user:realm:password as a 32-character string of hexadecimal digits. realm is the Authorization Realm argument to the directive in httpd.conf.
Database password fields for mod_dbd
Since the MD5 function is commonly available, other software can populate a database with encrypted passwords that are usable by Apache digest authentication.
To create Apache digest-authentication passwords in various languages:
md5($user . ':' . $realm . ':' .$password)
byte b[] = java.security.MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest( (user + ":" + realm + ":" + password ).getBytes());
java.math.BigInteger bi = new java.math.BigInteger(1, b);
String s = bi.toString(16);
while (s.length() < 32)
s = "0" + s;// String s is the encrypted password
LCase(Hash( (user & ":" & realm & ":" & password) , "MD5"))
require 'digest/md5'
Digest::MD5.hexdigest(user + ':' + realm + ':' + password)
PostgreSQL (with the contrib/pgcrypto functions installed)
encode(digest( user || ':' || realm || ':' || password , 'md5'), 'hex')
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