11g append 和常規insert在logging FORCE_LOGGING產生redo量差異




1.1.  檢視資料庫版本資訊


select * from v$version



Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

PL/SQL Release - Production

CORE  Production

TNS for Linux: Version - Production

NLSRTL Version - Production


1.2.  檢視當前redo

SQL>  @d:\mystat "redo size"


NAME                                                                  VALUE

--------------------------------------------------------- ----------

redo size                                                                 0

redo size for lost write detection                                   0

redo size for direct writes                                           0


Executed in 0.047 seconds

1.3.  測試append插入資料

insert  /*+ append */  into test.APPEND_TEST_HIS select * from test.APPEND_TES

302186 rows inserted

Executed in 25.491 seconds



Commit complete

Executed in 0.062 seconds


1.4.  檢視append產生redo

SQL> @d:\mystat2

set echo off

NAME                                           V           DIFF

------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------

redo size                                   235682056      235,682,056

redo size for lost write detection             0                0

redo size for direct writes             113653100      113,653,100


Executed in 0.047 seconds



我們這裡不看diff部分,因為11g多了redo size for direct writes這部分導致diff部分不準確,我們只檢視value部分即可

SQL> set echo off

set echo off

SQL> set verify off

SQL> select a.name,b.value V

  2  from v$statname a,v$mystat b

  3  where a.statistic#=b.statistic#

  4  and lower(a.name) =lower('&S')

  5  /


NAME                                           VALUE

-------------------------------------- ----------

redo size                                     235682056

redo size for lost write detection              0

redo size for direct writes                113653100


Executed in 0.062 seconds


1.6 常規insert插入資料

insert into test.APPEND_TEST_TMP select * from test.APPEND_TEST

302186 rows inserted

Executed in 23.291 seconds



Commit complete

Executed in 0.016 seconds


1.7 檢視常規insert產生redo

SQL> @d:\mystat2

set echo off


NAME                                              V               DIFF

---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------

redo size                                       514169024      400,515,924

redo size for lost write detection                0       -113,653,100

redo size for direct writes                 113653100                0


Executed in 0.063 seconds


1.8 總結上述測試


514169024 - 235682056=278486968

常規insertappend 30w記錄時多42804912redo

278486968 - 235682056=4280491240M


2 測試方法二


2.1 檢查測試環境

2.1.1 檢視資料庫force_logging

select FORCE_LOGGING from v$database





2.1.2 檢視錶的logging屬性


select table_name,logging from dba_tables where table_name=upper('&tname')


------------------  -------

APPEND_TEST             YES

Executed in 0.094 seconds


select table_name,logging from dba_tables where table_name=upper('&tname')


------------------ -------


Executed in 0.109 seconds


select table_name,logging from dba_tables where table_name=upper('&tname')


----------------- -------




Executed in 0.078 seconds



2.2 下面測試redo輸出

select '下面重新測試,只 輸出redo size' from dual



下面重新測試,只 輸出redo size

Executed in 0.047 seconds



2.2.1 查詢當前redo

SQL> set echo off

SQL> set verify off

SQL> column value new_val V

SQL> define S="&1"

SQL> set autotrace off


SQL> select a.name,b.value from v$statname a,v$mystat b

  2  where a.statistic#=b.statistic#

  3  and lower(a.name) =lower('&S')

  4  /


NAME                         VALUE

----------------------- ----------

redo size                        0


2.2.2 測試append產生redo

SQL> set echo on;

SQL> set timing on;



SQL> insert  /*+ append */  into test.APPEND_TEST_HIS select * from test.APPEND_TEST;

302186 rows inserted

Executed in 12.542 seconds



2.2.3 檢視append產生redo

SQL> set echo off

set echo off

SQL> set verify off

SQL> select a.name,b.value V,to_char(b.value-&V,'999,999,999,999') diff

  2  from v$statname a,v$mystat b

  3  where a.statistic#=b.statistic#

  4  and lower(a.name) =lower('&S')

  5  /


NAME                               V              DIFF

------------------------- ---------- ----------------

redo size                     235862932      235,862,932


Executed in 0.031 seconds

SQL> set echo on

SQL> commit;

Commit complete

Executed in 0 seconds                                         


2.2.4 測試常規insert產生redo

SQL> insert into test.APPEND_TEST_TMP select * from test.APPEND_TEST;

302186 rows inserted

Executed in 9.298 seconds


2.2.5 檢視常規insert產生redo

SQL> set echo off

set echo off

SQL> set verify off

SQL> select a.name,b.value V,to_char(b.value-&V,'999,999,999,999') diff

  2  from v$statname a,v$mystat b

  3  where a.statistic#=b.statistic#

  4  and lower(a.name) =lower('&S')

  5  /


NAME                                    V           DIFF

------------------------------ ---------- ----------------

redo size                           513956464      513,956,464


Executed in 0.031 seconds

SQL> set echo on

SQL> commit;

Commit complete

Executed in 0.015 seconds


2.3 在另外一個session進行相反測試

select '下面重新測試,在另外一個session 輸出redo size' from dual



下面重新測試,在另外一個session 輸出redo size'

Executed in 0.046 seconds


2.3.1 查詢當前redo

SQL> set echo off

SQL> set verify off

SQL> column value new_val V

SQL> define S="&1"

SQL> set autotrace off


SQL> select a.name,b.value from v$statname a,v$mystat b

  2  where a.statistic#=b.statistic#

  3  and lower(a.name) like '%'||lower('&S')||'%'

  4  /


NAME                                           VALUE

-------------------------------------- ----------

redo size                                       0

redo size for lost write detection             0

redo size for direct writes                     0

SQL> set echo on;


2.3.2 測試常規insert產生redo

SQL> set timing on;

SQL> insert into test.APPEND_TEST_TMP select * from test.APPEND_TEST;

302186 rows inserted

Executed in 20.248 seconds


2.3.3 查詢常規insert產生redo

SQL> set echo off

set echo off

SQL> set verify off

SQL> select a.name,b.value V,to_char(b.value-&V,'999,999,999,999') diff

  2  from v$statname a,v$mystat b

  3  where a.statistic#=b.statistic#

  4  and lower(a.name) =lower('&S')

  5  /


NAME                                   V               DIFF

----------------------------- ---------- ----------------

redo size                          278483988      278,483,988


Executed in 0.031 seconds

SQL> set echo on

SQL> commit;

Commit complete

Executed in 0.016 seconds


2.3.4 檢視commit產生的redo

SQL> set echo off

set echo off

SQL> set verify off

SQL> select a.name,b.value V,to_char(b.value-&V,'999,999,999,999') diff

  2  from v$statname a,v$mystat b

  3  where a.statistic#=b.statistic#

  4  and lower(a.name) like '%'||lower('&S')||'%'

  5  /


NAME                                          V            DIFF

------------------------------------ ---------- ----------------

redo size                                   278484224      278,484,224

redo size for lost write detection           0               0

redo size for direct writes                   0                0


Executed in 0.047 seconds


2.4 總結上述測試


append產生redo 235862932   2.2.3

常規insert產生redo278483988 2.3.3

278483988 - 235862932=42621056  40M


3 測試方法三

通過sqlplus 執行計劃測試

3.1 設定執行計劃只顯示統計部分

SQL> set autotrace traceonly statistics


3.2 測試常規insert產生redo

SQL> insert into test.APPEND_TEST_TMP select * from test.APPEND_TEST;

302186 rows created.




       1567  recursive calls

     491798  db block gets

      63503  consistent gets

       1805  physical reads

  278164024  redo size

        828  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client

        846  bytes received via SQL*Net from client

          3  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client

          1  sorts (memory)

          0  sorts (disk)

     302186  rows processed


3.3 回滾常規insert操作

SQL> SQL> rollback;


Rollback complete.


3.4 測試append產生redo

SQL> insert  /*+ append */  into test.APPEND_TEST_HIS select * from test.APPEND_TEST;

302186 rows created.




       1468  recursive calls

     105783  db block gets

      23176  consistent gets

          5  physical reads

  235648412  redo size

        824  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client

        862  bytes received via SQL*Net from client

          3  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client

          2  sorts (memory)

          0  sorts (disk)

     302186  rows processed


SQL> SQL> commit;

Commit complete.


4 測試常規insertappend 產生的undo



4.1 檢視當前undo

SQL>  @d:\mystat "undo"



NAME                                                                        VALUE

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

DBWR undo block writes                                                    0

undo change vector size                                                   0

transaction tables consistent reads - undo records applied         0

data blocks consistent reads - undo records applied                 0

rollback changes - undo records applied                                0

auto extends on undo tablespace                                          0

total number of undo segments dropped                                   0

global undo segment hints helped                                         0

global undo segment hints were stale                                    0

local undo segment hints helped                                           0

local undo segment hints were stale                                     0

undo segment header was pinned                                            0

IMU undo retention flush                                                  0

IMU undo allocation size                                                  0

SMON posted for undo segment recovery                                   0

SMON posted for undo segment shrink                                     0


16 rows selected


4.2 測試常規insert產生undo

SQL> insert into test.APPEND_TEST_TMP select * from test.APPEND_TEST;


302186 rows inserted


4.3 檢視常規insert產生undo

SQL> @d:\mystat2

set echo off


NAME                                                                         V

-----------------------------------------------------------      ---------

DBWR undo block writes                                                    0

undo change vector size                                                  81857572

transaction tables consistent reads - undo records applied          0

data blocks consistent reads - undo records applied                   0

rollback changes - undo records applied                                 6

auto extends on undo tablespace                                           0

total number of undo segments dropped                                    0

global undo segment hints helped                                          0

global undo segment hints were stale                                      0

local undo segment hints helped                                           0

local undo segment hints were stale                                       0

undo segment header was pinned                                             0

IMU undo retention flush                                                    0

IMU undo allocation size                                                    0

SMON posted for undo segment recovery                                    0

SMON posted for undo segment shrink                                      0


16 rows selected                                           


SQL> commit;

Commit complete


4.4 開啟另外一個session測試append,檢視當前undo

SQL> @d:\mystat "undo"



NAME                                                                         VALUE

---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

DBWR undo block writes                                                    0

undo change vector size                                                   0

transaction tables consistent reads - undo records applied          0

data blocks consistent reads - undo records applied                   0

rollback changes - undo records applied                                   0

auto extends on undo tablespace                                           0

total number of undo segments dropped                                     0

global undo segment hints helped                                          0

global undo segment hints were stale                                      0

local undo segment hints helped                                           0

local undo segment hints were stale                                       0

undo segment header was pinned                                            0

IMU undo retention flush                                                  0

IMU undo allocation size                                                  0

SMON posted for undo segment recovery                                     0

SMON posted for undo segment shrink                                       0


16 rows selected


4.5 測試append產生undo

SQL> insert  /*+ append */  into test.APPEND_TEST_HIS select * from test.APPEND_TEST;


302186 rows inserted



4.6 檢視append產生undo

SQL> @d:\mystat2

set echo off


NAME                                                                     V

----------------------------------------------------------   -----------

DBWR undo block writes                                               0

undo change vector size                                              57565792

transaction tables consistent reads - undo records applied     0

data blocks consistent reads - undo records applied              0

rollback changes - undo records applied                            12

auto extends on undo tablespace                                      0

total number of undo segments dropped                               0

global undo segment hints helped                                    0

global undo segment hints were stale                                0

local undo segment hints helped                                     0

local undo segment hints were stale                                 0

undo segment header was pinned                                      0

IMU undo retention flush                                              0

IMU undo allocation size                                              0

SMON posted for undo segment recovery                               0

SMON posted for undo segment shrink                                 0


16 rows selected


SQL> commit;


Commit complete


4.7 測試結果總結


append 產生undo57565792

81857572 - 57565792=24291780  23M


5 tom大師指令碼

5.1 mystat.sql

set echo off

set verify off

column value new_val V

define S="&1"



set autotrace off

select a.name,b.value from v$statname a,v$mystat b

where a.statistic#=b.statistic#

and lower(a.name) like '%'||lower('&S')||'%'


set echo on;


5.2 mystat2.sql

set echo off

set verify off


select a.name,b.value V,to_char(b.value-&V,'999,999,999,999') diff

from v$statname a,v$mystat b

where a.statistic#=b.statistic#

and lower(a.name) like '%'||lower('&S')||'%'



set echo on



5.3 使用方法

例如檢視delete 產生redo


SQL>  @d:\mystat "redo size"


NAME                                                                  VALUE

--------------------------------------------------------- ----------

redo size                                                                 0

Executed in 0.047 seconds


sys>delete from dual;

1 row deleted.


SQL> @d:\mystat2

set echo off

NAME                                           V           DIFF

------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------

redo size                                   587          587

Executed in 0.047 seconds

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