Vip Does Not Failover When Nodeapps Stopped (Doc ID 749160.1)
Vip Does Not Failover When Nodeapps Stopped (Doc ID 749160.1)
In this Document
Applies to:Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: Server - Standard Edition - Version: Information in this document applies to any platform. Oracle CRS 10g prior the upcoming GoalRunning a 2 node rac with When nodeapps are stopped from one node, the vip-interfacedoes not failover to existing nodes. How to accomplish that the VIP will failover to node2? SolutionRunning a 2 node rac with When nodeapps are stopped from one node, the vip-interfacedoes not failover to existing nodes. Therefore all users can not connect to the database. When issuing command :
srvctl stop nodeapps -n node1
then VIP-interface of node node1 does not get migrated to node node2. The behavior has changed in 11g and will in due to enhancement request 4623630. In 11g and you will use the following syntax:
srvctl stop nodeapps -n node1 -r
In case this functionality is important, the best is to upgrade to 11g or as it becomes available.
References |
- Oracle Database Products > Oracle Database Suite > Oracle Database > Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition > Real Application Cluster
- Oracle Database Products > Oracle Database Suite > Oracle Database > Oracle Database - Standard Edition > Real Application Cluster > RAC Database/Instance Performance Issues
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