Agent Upload to OMS Fails if OMS Locked in Secure,Agent isn't Secured_422922.1


Agent Upload to OMS Fails if the OMS is Locked in Secure Mode and Agent is not Secured (Doc ID 422922.1)

In this Document


Applies to:

Enterprise Manager Base Platform - Version to [Release 10.1 to 10.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 05-Oct-2011***
Checked for relevance on 26-Jun-2013


Agent upload to OMS is failing. The 'emctl upload' command returns:

EMD upload error: uploadXMLFiles skipped :: OMS version not checked yet..


EMD upload error: Failed to upload file A*.xml: HTTP error.

The /sysman/log/emagent.trc shows:

2010-04-29 11:44:54,190 Thread-118266800 ERROR pingManager: nmepm_pingReposURL: Cannot connect to http://omsmachine.domain:4889/em/upload/: retStatus=-1
2010-04-29 11:44:54,195 Thread-121416624 WARN http: nmehl_connect_internal: connect failed to (omsmachine.domain:4889): Connection refused (error = 111)
2010-04-29 11:44:54,195 Thread-121416624 ERROR upload: FxferSend: Cannot connect to: http://omsmachine.domain:4889/em/upload/. retStatus=-1

The Agent is trying to access ' http://omsmachine.domain:4889/em/upload/' URL and gets a 'Connection refused' error.
The /sysman/log/emoms.trc file can show errors such as:

OMSHandshake processFailure.806 - OMSHandshake failed.(AGENT URL =
http://agentmachine.domain:3872/emd/main/)(ERROR = X-ORCL-EMAK MISSING)

In the OMS versions, there is no error in the emoms.trc file. But the /Apache/Apache/log/access_log shows: - [29/Apr/2010:13:49:31 +0530] "GET /em/upload/?ACTION=FIRST_HEARTBEAT&EMD_URL=http%3a%2f%2fagentmachine%2edomain%3a3872%2femd%2fmain%2f&HEARTBEAT_TIME=2010-04-29+13%3a52%3a09&OUTSTANDING_SEVS=TRUE&EMD_UPTIME=2010-04-29+13%3a42%3a32&OLDEST_COLL_TIME=2010-04-29+13%3a52%3a09&INSTALL_TYPE=agent&AGENT_TZ=Asia%2fCalcutta&BOUNCE_CTR=12&X-ORCL-EMOV=4%2e0%2e0&X-ORCL-EMCV=10%2e2%2e0%2e5%2e0&X-ORCL-EMSV=10%2e2%2e0%2e5%2e0 HTTP/1.1" 403 346

The error code '403' indicates that the access to the '/em/upload' is forbidden.

Trying to access the OMS unsecure upload url: http://omsmachine.domain:4889/em/upload
from a browser also returns:

You don't have permission to access /em/upload on this server.

Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server Server at omsmachine.domain Port 4889


OMS has been recently locked for secure upload mode.


The OMS is locked in secure mode, hence is accepting uploads only from Agents which are secured with the OMS and sending the uploads to the https upload URL.

If any Agent tries to upload to the http URL, the connection will be rejected.


1. Ensure that the REPOSITORY_URL configured in the /sysman/config/ file has the correct hostname of the OMS machine.

Refer Note 737373.1: Communication: Agent to OMS Communication Fails if the Agent's REPOSITORY_URL Parameter has Incorrect Value

2. If the OMS is secured and locked (accepts uploads only in the https mode), then secure the Agent also.
Note 428874.1: How to tell if the EM OMS is locked or unlocked?
Note 283091.1: How To Secure / Unsecure The Grid Control Components (Agent / OMS) In 10g

cd /bin
emctl secure agent

This will prompt you for the Agent Registration password, which is needed for secure operation to complete.
If the Agent Registration password is not known, create a new one using the steps in
Note 285490.1: Grid Control Security: How to Create / Edit the Agent Registration Password for Agent to OMS Secure Communication?


NOTE:283091.1 - How to Secure the OMS and Agent Components in a 10g Grid Control Setup?
NOTE:285490.1 - Grid Control Security: How to Create / Edit the Agent Registration Password for Agent to OMS Secure Communication?
NOTE:428874.1 - How To Verify if the Enterprise Manager Grid Control (OMS) is Locked or Unlocked?
NOTE:737373.1 - Communication: Agent to OMS Communication Fails if the Agent's REPOSITORY_URL Parameter has Incorrect Value

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