
If you’ve ever poked around on this blog, you may have noticed the colophon which mentions very briefly:

Unlike most Django sites, this is compiled into static HTML pages bydjango-medusa, a Django app I'm currently building.

This little tool has been open-source since I deployed to the new version of this website, maybe nine months ago, but I hadn’t really done anything with it or mentioned it much anywhere. It powers the several hundred pages on this site and turns them into static HTML — which is then hosted in S3. (Details below.)

(The only other time I’ve mentioned this project publicly was in response to django-bakery, a tool that the L.A. Times Data Desk uses to process some data projects into static pages. Clearly, this is an interesting idea to some people.)
tl;dr for Django pros: Test out the tutorial “hello world” and see the README. Come back if you want the more detailed narrative breakdown of the app (and how the app powers this blog).

The app basically auto-finds “renderer” definitions for your apps and then provides a Django management command that builds the static rendition of the website (with the output directed based on some settings).

Renderers live in files that are auto-discovered — like, it’s auto-discovered as long as the app is listed in INSTALLED_APPS. This basically defines a class that defines a get_paths instance method that returns a list/tuple of absolute URLs, representing all the URLs that should be converted to static files. Renderers are set up like this so that, on an app-by-app basis (or even varying within an app), you can dynamically generate all the possible URLs that exist in your site.

Here’s a couple renderer definitions that actually power part of this site.

The specific URL names and model bits aren’t important: basically, you’ll notice that the example BlogHomeRenderer in my example generates the entire URL structure for/blog/* by querying for all live blog posts and then using Django’s URL reversing methods to figure out all the paths that could possibly be built. (That file in particular uses sets instead of lists/tuples, so that it can just blindly generate all the URLs and have duplicates ignored. It casts the set to a list upon returning.)

The process that actually generates the output simply uses (or abuses) Django’s internal testclient to request each URL and store the resulting data (and mimetype/other metadata, if using the right backend — I’ll touch on this more, below).

I believe that this paradigm provides the most flexibility regarding giving each app the ability to define it’s own outputs and it keeps app-and-view-building as Django-like as possible (i.e. you are still building within the urlconf and view system).

It seems ghetto at first to rely on those internal HTTP testclient mechanisms, but I haven’t yet encountered any issues — the rendering command can even (optionally) parallelize the testclient crawl to achieve faster rendering.

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