You want to embed HTML within a message using Django's messages framework.
This is a reasonably common requirement - for instance, it's common to want to include a link within the message, perhaps pointing the user towards a sign-in or registration page.
This problem exists as of Django 1.4 but may be solved within the framework in later versions.
Use the extra_tags keyword argument to pass a flag indicating that the message is safe for rendering without escaping. For example:
3.def some_view(request):
6.'Here is a link.',
7.extra_tags='safe')Then use some simple template logic to determine whether to use the safe filter:
You want to embed HTML within a message using Django's messages framework.
This is a reasonably common requirement - for instance, it's common to want to include a link within the message, perhaps pointing the user towards a sign-in or registration page.
This problem exists as of Django 1.4 but may be solved within the framework in later versions.
Use the extra_tags keyword argument to pass a flag indicating that the message is safe for rendering without escaping. For example:
1.from django.contrib import messages2.
3.def some_view(request):
6.'Here is a link.',
7.extra_tags='safe')Then use some simple template logic to determine whether to use the safe filter:
01.02.{% for message in messages %}
10.{% endfor %}
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