號稱下一代的Ruby on Rails框架——Meteor介紹
Pretty much every aspect of our lives is being changed by software. Software has the power to delight, entertain, help us communicate, simplify our work, enhance our creativity, connect us to old friends, and so much more. However writing good software is still a complex process that takes too long, and requires too much expertise. Addressing that pain is what makes Matrix’s latest investment, Meteor, so interesting.
Every once in a while a new application development framework comes along that dramatically accelerates the way people create applications. Those rare platforms that excite developers ultimately revitalize software development and spur new creativity. Though it's still early, Meteor appears to be the next big thing in Web application development as it is clearly delighting both expert and novice developers.
Right now application developers are all faced with the need to write applications that deal with the mobile web, and step up to users demands for a new level of interactivity. Desktop applications are being replaced by new SaaS/cloud applications, and there is a huge need to create applications for smartphones and tablets.
If you’ve ever looked at Google’s spreadsheet and wondered how they got such great interactivity in a browser, and been impressed by the fact that it would automatically update any other user’s view of the spreadsheet in realtime, then Meteor is for you. Meteor takes the complexity out of writing this kind of realtime, highly interactive web/mobile application.
Over the last few years there has been a huge investment made in updating and improving the performance of Javascript. in browsers. That has led to the creation of a powerful new client-side platform. that allows a huge amount of application processing to move to the edge of the network away from the server. Now that this is possible, app authors are naturally gravitating in that direction, in the same way that they did when PCs emerged in the 80s and when native mobile clients emerged a few years ago.
To quote Matt DeBergalis of Meteor “We have been building these interactive data-centric apps using web-based technology. It's a basic impedance mismatch -- we're using stateless web protocols to manage stateful clients that need to constantly get new data from the server. Meteor is basically a reset of the table that plugs the good technologies like JavaScript, MongoDB, Node.js, and Websockets together in a more appropriate way, with new protocols and new system abstractions.”
Every once in a while a new application development framework comes along that dramatically accelerates the way people create applications. Those rare platforms that excite developers ultimately revitalize software development and spur new creativity. Though it's still early, Meteor appears to be the next big thing in Web application development as it is clearly delighting both expert and novice developers.
Right now application developers are all faced with the need to write applications that deal with the mobile web, and step up to users demands for a new level of interactivity. Desktop applications are being replaced by new SaaS/cloud applications, and there is a huge need to create applications for smartphones and tablets.
If you’ve ever looked at Google’s spreadsheet and wondered how they got such great interactivity in a browser, and been impressed by the fact that it would automatically update any other user’s view of the spreadsheet in realtime, then Meteor is for you. Meteor takes the complexity out of writing this kind of realtime, highly interactive web/mobile application.
Over the last few years there has been a huge investment made in updating and improving the performance of Javascript. in browsers. That has led to the creation of a powerful new client-side platform. that allows a huge amount of application processing to move to the edge of the network away from the server. Now that this is possible, app authors are naturally gravitating in that direction, in the same way that they did when PCs emerged in the 80s and when native mobile clients emerged a few years ago.
To quote Matt DeBergalis of Meteor “We have been building these interactive data-centric apps using web-based technology. It's a basic impedance mismatch -- we're using stateless web protocols to manage stateful clients that need to constantly get new data from the server. Meteor is basically a reset of the table that plugs the good technologies like JavaScript, MongoDB, Node.js, and Websockets together in a more appropriate way, with new protocols and new system abstractions.”
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/301743/viewspace-738661/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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