MongoDB Guide Author Looking for Cool Schemas for Book

I just started working on MongoDB: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition! I’m planning to add:

1. Lots of ops info
2. Real-world schema design examples

Coverage of new features since 2010… so quite a few

However, I need your help on the schema design part! I want to include some real-world schemas people have used and why they worked (or didn’t). If you’re working on something 1) interesting and 2) non-confidential and you’d like to either share or get some free advice (or both), please email me (kristina at 10gen dot com) or leave a comment below. I’ll set up a little interview with you.

I am particularly looking for “cool” projects (video games, music, TV, sports), recognizable companies (Fortune 50 & HackerNews 500*), and geek elite (Linux development, research labs, robots, etc.).

However, if you’re working on something you think is interesting that doesn’t fall into any of those categories, I’d love to hear about it!

* There isn’t really a HackerNews 500, I mean projects that people in the tech world recognize and thinks are pretty cool (DropBox, Github, etc.).

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