
Francis Pelland is the Technical Lead for Social Game Universe developing the next generation of The Lightning Platform.

The Lightning Platform. lets developers build high performance, scalable data platform. and provides the management, analytics and the tools to promote and grow social games. He wrote a short guide to help his team get through the transition for PHP developers moving from MySQL to VoltDB.

Here’s an excerpt:

Is there PhpMyAdmin or similar

Yes there is!  This tool is called Web Studio.  This will allow you to navigate the tables (but not browse its content). You can see in real time all the processes and queries running through the database.

You will have the ability to run ad hoc queries and see what’s in the database, by clicking on the button at the top, to the left of the exclamation point (to execute the query you will click the exclamation point). Minus some features like sub-queries, the query format is identical to MySQL.  Always use single quotes when sending strings.

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