
I've been in love with the language for a decade.

I feel a connection to the community that has only grown over time, both in numbers and in awesomeness. However, I see difficult times ahead. Not where Python is or where it is going, but places it will always have trouble entering growing in importance. I think we have, as a community, really downplayed the significance of some of our beloved languages shortcomings.

I'm concerned about growing areas in software, which are hostile to Python. This is a coincidental, but important direction a lot of focus in software is moving in.

Energy and enthusiasm are important. Enthusiasm is important both for the target of that energy and a wide calateral area around it. Python has, for the past few years, received an influx of attention and fresh energy from the fast-growing Django community attracting many developers. This meant more than making it easier to build a CMS. The people rushing into the Python-sphere to build websites and webapps and web-whatever-elses leaked out, and they built Celery and Fabric and Circus and contributed to PyPy and all sorts of great things useful to a wide array of Python developers, both inside and outside the web-development inner circle.

The energy attracted to a small subset of the Python-verse has benefited the much community as a whole.

However, The energy is shifting. Browsers are evolving. Computer sales are getting matched and surpassed by tablet and smartphones. We're building things we'd never before imagined possible to carry in our pockets or to pull up without so much as a setup.exe to run first. These are both great directions for software as a whole, but I'm worried Python is going to miss out!

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