Revel is a Play-like web framework for Go. I’m new to the Go programming language but I’ve heard good things. So I thought I’d take Revel for a spin and get it working on Heroku. Luckily there is already a Go Buildpack and a great article on how to use it.
To get Revel working on Heroku I had to make a few changes to Revel and create a modified buildpack. But it all works! Lets walk through the steps you can follow to deploy Revel apps on Heroku.
First lets get a simple Revel app working locally.
Step 1) Install Go
Step 2) Install Mercurial
Step 3) Install Git
Step 4) Create a new directory that will contain everything:
To get Revel working on Heroku I had to make a few changes to Revel and create a modified buildpack. But it all works! Lets walk through the steps you can follow to deploy Revel apps on Heroku.
First lets get a simple Revel app working locally.
Step 1) Install Go
Step 2) Install Mercurial
Step 3) Install Git
Step 4) Create a new directory that will contain everything:
mkdir ~/go來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/301743/viewspace-745457/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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