Spring Data Neo4j Webinar Follow up

Thanks again everyone for attending the Intro to Spring Data Neo4j webinar. We hope you enjoyed the presentation and learned a lot. We answered all of your questions below. Feel free to use the listed resources to learn more or to discuss your open questions with us.

Spring Data Neo4j is a reflection of a graph's nature: they are able to work and play well with other systems, while making it easy to make sense of connected data. It also demonstrates that indeed, graphs are everywhere. For more examples of this, be sure to come to GraphConnect in San Francisco, November 5-6 at the Hyatt Regency. There will be talks by hot start-ups, community contributors, and established enterprises telling their own graph story.

1. Slides: Intro to Spring Data Neo4j from jexp
2. GitHub Repository with the Twitter-Graph sample: https://github.com/jexp/sdn-twitter-graph

Your Questions and our Answers

Q: Do I always have to start the traversal at the root node? 
A: It is possible to start a traversal from any node, or set of nodes. Those nodes can be looked up via and index or their id.

Q: What kind of tools are available to explore graph databases/like Toad, Navicat, etc.? 
A: You can use the neo4j shell to explore the graph with cypher and other commands, the shell is also available in the Neo4j Server Web interface. The Web interface also offers simple visualization. Other tools are Neoclipse. But it is pretty simple to write a custom visualization, e.g. with JavaScript.

Q: With hibernate, the created SQL can be helpful when trying to do some performance analysis of my queries. Is there something comparable for Neo4j? Or another way to optimize queries? 
A: You can set debug to level INFO and then the generated cypher queries are logged. SDN has custom queries where you can specify exactly how the query looks. We support Cypher and Gremlin.


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