
Django comes with a user authentication system. It handles user accounts, groups, permissions and cookie-based user sessions. This document explains how things work.

The auth system consists of:

1. Users
2. Permissions: Binary (yes/no) flags designating whether a user may perform. a certain task.
3. Groups: A generic way of applying labels and permissions to more than one user.

Authentication support is bundled as a Django application in django.contrib.auth. To install it, do the following:

1. Put 'django.contrib.auth' and 'django.contrib.contenttypes' in your INSTALLED_APPS setting. (The Permission model indjango.contrib.auth depends on django.contrib.contenttypes.)
2. Run the command syncdb.

Note that the default file created by startproject includes 'django.contrib.auth' and'django.contrib.contenttypes' in INSTALLED_APPS for convenience. If your INSTALLED_APPS already contains these apps, feel free to run syncdb again; you can run that command as many times as you’d like, and each time it’ll only install what’s needed.

The syncdb command creates the necessary database tables, creates permission objects for all installed apps that need ‘em, and prompts you to create a superuser account the first time you run it.

Once you’ve taken those steps, that’s it.

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