Django NewRelic Quickstart (gunicorn.d + Django 1.3 hack)

[i=s] 本帖最後由 jieforest 於 2012-5-30 09:46 編輯

New Relic is an excellent webapplication performance reporting tool. After a great experience using it onHeroku, I went to enable it for an existing self-hosted application. WhileDjango 1.4 has an excellent WSGI configuration build-in, Django 1.3 makes it alittle trickier. To complicate matters even more, I was using debian's gunicornpackage, which not not make changing the Django executable easy.

New Relic has excellent documentation for downloading, installing andconfiguring their tools. Here are my crib notes:


1.view plainprint?
3.pip install newrelic django-newrelic-extensions
4.# sign up on, get $LICENSE_KEY under "Account Settings"
5.mkdir /etc/newrelic
6.newrelic-admin generate-config $LICENSE_KEY /etc/newrelic/newrelic.ini
7.newrelic-admin validate-config /etc/newrelic/newrelic.ini

[size=11.5pt]You should now be able to log in tonew relic and see an application called "Python Agent Test". Thismeans that the test worked; new relic can communicate with the hosted servers.You can run gunicorn manually from the command line with new relic as follows:


1.view plainprint?
2. /opt/my-django-project
4.export NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/newrelic/newrelic.ini
5.newrelic-admin run-program python run_gunicorn

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