
[i=s] 本帖最後由 jieforest 於 2012-5-19 11:24 編輯

What is DDD

There are many kinds of complexity that you have to deal with developing software and different kinds of applications will have very different sets of problems you need to solve. If you are building the next Twitter, scalability and fault-tolerance are the problems you are probably fighting. On the other hand, these problems are almost never an issue when working on enterprise applications. The complex domain is what you tackle when developing enterprise software. Business processes of a lot of companies are far from being trivial. Thus, refining the domain that provides loose coupling and will be flexible and maintainable in the future is extremely hard and requires a lot of practice and knowledge.

The Book

Eric Evans – the author of Domain Driven Design – coined the set of practices and terminology helping in tackling domain complexity. His book is a must read for every developer working on enterprise applications and I highly recommend it.

DDD and Rails

Working more and more on large rails applications I’ve noticed that in many ways DDD and Rails contradict each other. Therefore, I’ve decided to write a short series of articles, which will be my attempt to reconcile both paradigms and to find a way to use DDD while not fighting Rails.

Before I start, I’d like to mention that I’m going to write about introducing DDD concepts to an existing application. Therefore, despite that Uncle Bob’s approach (check out this awesome talk) may look appealing, introducing it to an existing Rails application with hundreds of thousands lines of code is, probably, the last thing I want to do. Hence, everything I’m going to write about here is, in some way, a compromise.

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