oracle shrink


一、shrink segment兩個好處


You use online segment shrink to reclaim fragmented free space below the high water mark in an Oracle Database segment. The benefits of segment shrink are these:

l  Compaction of data leads to better cache utilization, which in turn leads to better online transaction processing (OLTP) performance.

l  The compacted data requires fewer blocks to be scanned in full table scans, which in turns leads to better decision support system (DSS) performance.




segment shrink分為兩個階段

1、 資料重組(compact):通過一系列insertdelete操作,將資料儘量排列在段的前面。在這個過程中需要在表上加Row ExclusiveRX)鎖,即只在需要移動的行上加鎖。由於涉及到rowid的改變,需要enable row movement。同時要disable基於rowidtrigger。這一過程對業務影響較小。

2、 HWM調整:第二階段是調整HWM位置,釋放空閒資料塊。此過程需要在表上加X鎖,會造成表上的所有DML語句阻塞。在業務特別繁忙的系統可能造成比較大的影響。


shrink space語句兩個階段都執行;

shrink space compact只執行第一個階段。

如果系統業務比較繁忙,可以先執行shrink space compact重組資料,然後在業務不忙得時候再執行shrink space降低HWM釋放空閒資料塊。




1Shrink operations can be performed only on segments in locally managed tablespaces with automatic segment space management (ASSM).


2、 shrink必須開啟行遷移功能!

Segment shrink requires that rows be moved to new locations. Therefore, you must first enable row movement in the object you want to shrink and disable any rowid-based triggers defined on the object.

alter table table_name enable row movement;




alter table shrink space [|compact|cascade];


:收縮表,降低high water mark

compact:重組表,只執行第一階段,相當於把塊中資料打結實了,但會保持high water mark

cascade:收縮表,降低high water mark,並且相關索引也要收縮一下。



Within an ASSM tablespace, all segment types are eligible for online segment shrink except these:


l   IOT mapping tables

l   Tables with rowid based materialized views

l   Tables with function-based indexes


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