OGG-01028 Recovery record is missing ERROR

Normal 0 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE2011-09-21 23:03:47  ERROR   OGG-01028  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, E130RKS2.prm:  Recovery record is missing from log with seqno 9703 when extract has reached log with seqno 9704, block size 512, and next_checkpoint RBA at 57759732. 後來檢視metalink的一篇文章( Normal 0 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONEGoldengate Extract Abended - Recovery Record Is Missing (Doc ID 1094767.1),原來是一個bug,原因如下:

The extract was manually stopped and current/next checkpoint is set to a zero length record in redo. This is a very rare condition, and the chance of hitting it is also low. When this extract was restarted, the error occurred. Extract's Current/Next checkpoint is set to a zero length record at the end of a log and on restart this zero length record is skipped as it has no useful data. Since this record is skipped the recovery code thinks this record was missed and generates an error.

This is bug 12693183, 12693291.

簡單來說,當stop extract時,current/next checkpoing正好指向一個0長度的redo記錄,當extract再次啟動時,回跳過該redo記錄,導致出現redo記錄丟失的錯誤,這種情況是很罕見的。

Metalink 提供的解決方法如下:

This bug is fixed in v11.1.1.1 with patches for bugs 12693183, 12693291.

The following workaround may also be used with no data loss.
Workaround: change the current checkpoint RBA to next block boundary, keep the recovery checkpoint the same

1. Get block size of your platform.
The block size is shown in the error message.
2010-05-04 15:42:23 GGS ERROR 190 Recovery record is missing from log with seqno 14496 when extract has reached log with seqno 14497, block size 512, and next_checkpoint RBA at 149274704.

For reference the following lists the block size of major platforms:
AIX, Linux, Sun, Windows & VMS: 512 Bytes
HP-UX, Tru64: 1024 Bytes
S390, MVS: 4096 Bytes.

2. Backup the checkpoint file in directory dirchk

3. info showch
Get current and recovery checkpoints, example:

EXTRACT EIDLD Last Started 2010-05-04 16:39 Status ABENDED
Checkpoint Lag 01:14:54 (updated 01:14:41 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint Oracle Redo Logs
2010-05-04 15:24:21 Seqno 14496, RBA 149274704
Current Checkpoint Detail:
Read Checkpoint #1
Oracle Redo Log
Startup Checkpoint (starting position in the data source):
Sequence #: 14496
RBA: 149273104
Recovery Checkpoint (position of oldest unprocessed transaction in the data source):
Sequence #: 14496
RBA: 149273104
Current Checkpoint (position of last record read in the data source):
Sequence #: 14496
RBA: 149274704

4. Alter both recovery checkpoint and current checkpoint to the start point of next block number

alter , extseqno , extrba

In the above example:
SQL> select ceil (149274704/512) * 512 from dual;

seq# remains the same as in the showch display.  

ggsci> alter extract , extseqno 14496, extrba 149275136

If the new rba number is bigger than the current file size of the archivelog file, you have to alter both checkpoint to start from RBA 0 in next seqno file.

For example, if the size of archived log that has seqno 14496 is only 149275000, which is smaller than the new RBA calculated, 149275136, you have to issue the following command

ggsci> alter extract , extseqno 14497, extrba 0

5. Alter the extseqno and extrba of recovery checkpoint back to its original recovery checkpoint position

In this example,
ggsci> alter extract , ioextseqno 14496, ioextrba 149273104

6. info , showch
 Confirm the change.

7. start

Note:  Above example is for extract without threads option.  For extract with threads option, "thread " is needed for "alter extract " command.
e.g.,  "ggsci> alter extract , extseqno 14497, extrba 0" will be "ggsci> alter extract , thread , extseqno 14497, extrba 0"   (here, is the ogg thread number).

簡單的說就是手動把current checkpoint設定為下一個block,從而跳過長度為0的redo記錄。


要徹底解決這個問題,還需要為所有的Golden Gage軟體打上補丁。

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/26277071/viewspace-708088/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
