

Let’s now look at the contents of dumping one block.



Start dump data blocks tsn: 3 file#: 3 minblk 10 maxblk 10

buffer tsn: 3 rdba: 0x00c0000a (3/10)

scn: 0x0000.00046911 seq: 0x02 flg: 0x04 tail: 0x69110602

frmt: 0x02 chkval: 0x579d type: 0x06=trans data

Block header dump:  0x00c0000a

 Object id on Block? Y

 seg/obj: 0x6d9c  csc: 0x00.46911  itc: 2  flg: O  typ: 1 - DATA

     fsl: 0  fnx: 0x0 ver: 0x01


 Itl           Xid                  Uba         Flag  Lck        Scn/Fsc

0x01   xid:  0x0005.02f.0000010c    uba: 0x00806f10.00ca.28  C---    0  scn 0x0000.00046900

0x02   xid:  0x0003.01c.00000101    uba: 0x00800033.0099.04  C---    0  scn 0x0000.00046906


This is the beginning of the data block dump. The first line tells us that we are

這是一個資料塊(data blockdump檔案的開端。 第一行告訴我們,我們dumping的文

dumping file#3, starting at block# 10 (minblk), and finishing with block# 10

#3號檔案,開始於資料塊(block)號是#10號(minblk), 終止於資料塊(block

(maxblk). Had we dumped more than one data block, these values would

號是#10號(maxblk.我們dump的不只是一塊資料塊。   這些值代表的是一個範圍  

represent a range. The relative data block address (rdba) is 0x00c0000a. For

                    相對的資料塊地址(rdba)是 0x00c0000a               更多關

more information on the rdba, refer to a later section in this paper. At the end of

rdba的資訊,可以參考本篇的後續內容。                              在這行的最後

this line, we can see in parentheses that the rdba corresponds to file# 3, block#


10 (3/10).


The third line describes the SCN of the data block. In our case, the SCN is

第三行描述的是資料塊的SCN.                        在我們的case中,SCN

0x0000.00046911. The tail of the data block is composed of the last two bytes of


the SCN (6911) appended with the type (06) and the sequence (02). If the

兩個位元組構成的。                                                       所以,如

decomposition of the tail does not match these three values, then the system

果分解尾部沒有匹配這三個值。                                  系統就會知道資料塊

knows that the block is inconsistent and needs to be recovered. While this tail

是不一致的,所以需要恢復。                                       當尾部值出現在

value shows up at the beginning of the block dump, it is physically stored at the

block dump的開端,那它就物理儲存在資料塊的結尾處。

end of the data block.


The block type shows up on the fourth line. Some of the valid types correspond

資料塊型別(Block type)出現在第四行。     有效型別數值跟下列表單一一對應

to the following table:



    Type   Meaning             

    0x02   undo block(撤銷資料塊)

0x06   table or index data block(表和索引資料塊)

0x0e   undo segment header(撤銷段頭)

    0x10   data segment header block(資料段頭資料塊)

    0x17   bitmapped data segment header(資料點陣圖段頭)


The “Object id on Block?” line tells us whether or not this object is in SYS.OBJ$.

Object id on Block?”這行告訴我們這個物件是否在SYS.OBJ$中或者不再。

Since Oracle 6, this should always be “Y”. If you look at the next line, the

oracle 6開始,這個選項就是“Y”了。      如果你看到了下一行,       seg/obj

seg/obj value tells us the segment’s object id (in hex). In our example, this is

值會告訴我們segment的物件id(十六進位制的).             在我們的例子裡, 這個是

0x6d9c. Hex ‘6D9C’ is ‘28060’ in decimal. We can verify that this is our table with


the following query:



ORA9I SQL> select owner,object_name from dba_objects

  2  where object_id=28060;



---------- ------------------------------



As we had hoped, this is our table.



The csc value is the Cleanout System Change number. This value tells us when

csc值代表的是Cleanout System Change number       這個值告訴我們這個資料塊

block cleanout was performed on this block. Hopefully, it matches the SCN of

的資料塊清洗功能被執行中。                   希望,它匹配的是資料塊的SCN          

the data block. The itc value is the Interested Transaction List Count. In our

                itc值代表的是the Interested Transaction List Count    在我們的

case, there are two transactions interested in this block. Those interested

case中,有兩個事務對block感興趣。                        這些事務出現在我們例子

transactions appear at the end of our example. We can see the transaction id

的最後。                                        我們能看到這兩個事務的idxid

(Xid) of those two transactions. Those transaction ids correspond to rollback


segments that are used to process our transactions.


The flag (flg) is either “-” or “O”, used to indicate if this block is on a freelist. If


the block is on a freelist, the flag will be “0”. If it is not on a freelist, then the flag


will be “-”. Our block in question is on the freelist.




Well, that was quite a lot of information and we haven’t really looked at too


 much of the dump. Let’s look at the next section of the data block dump.







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