要改變這個順序, 在AIX中,可以建立一個/etc/netsvc.conf檔案,並在這個檔案中加一行:
這樣主機IP地址就先從本地檔案(/etc/hosts)開始搜尋,其次再去DNS server,最後是NIS server。
要改變這個順序, 在AIX中,可以建立一個/etc/netsvc.conf檔案,並在這個檔案中加一行:
這樣主機IP地址就先從本地檔案(/etc/hosts)開始搜尋,其次再去DNS server,最後是NIS server。
很多系統都由這個檔案來指定: /etc/nsswitch.conf
# The /etc/netsvc.conf file is used to specify the ordering of name resolution for
# gethostbyname, gethostbyname2, gethostbyaddr routines
# and alias resolution for the sendmail command.
# Any host setting defined in /etc/netsvc.conf file will override the default host order
# and the host setting given in the /etc/irs.conf file.
# The environment variable NSORDER overrides the host settings in the /etc/netsvc.conf file,
# which in turn overrides the host settings in the /etc/irs.conf file.
# The /etc/netsvc.conf file is used to specify the ordering of name resolution for
# gethostbyname, gethostbyname2, gethostbyaddr routines
# and alias resolution for the sendmail command.
# Any host setting defined in /etc/netsvc.conf file will override the default host order
# and the host setting given in the /etc/irs.conf file.
# The environment variable NSORDER overrides the host settings in the /etc/netsvc.conf file,
# which in turn overrides the host settings in the /etc/irs.conf file.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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