




    The problem is that for a standby database to stay in-sync with the primary database after creation, it needs to have access to all of the redo that has been generated from the time that the files were backed up on the primary. For very large databases (ie 10Tb+), it’s not uncommon for it to take a number of days to backup/transfer datafiles from the primary to the standby database. When those datafiles are finally restored on the standby database, the redo that was generated over these days needs to be applied to the standby, before the standby can accept new redo from the primary database, and this can be a very large quantity of redo!

     For very large databases (ie 10Tb+), it’s not uncommon for it to take a number of days to backup/transfer datafiles from
the primary to the standby database. When those datafiles are finally restored on the standby database, the redo that was
generated over these days needs to be applied to the standby, before the standby can accept new redo from the primary
database, and this can be a very large quantity of redo!
     對於非常大的庫,通常都需要花費許多天來從主庫到備庫進行資料檔案的備份/轉移(包括redo)。當那些資料檔案最終在備庫中恢復, 而備庫在能夠接收主庫產生的新redo之前,需要應用主庫在資料檔案備份轉移這幾天過程中生成的redo,而這些redo是十分多的!
The secret
     So, what’s the secret? The main secret is to create the standby incrementally, datafile by datafile, over an extended
period of time, and keeping the datafiles transferred all synced with the primary soon after they are transferred.
     It turns out that Oracle physical standby databases manage controlfiles differently than primary databases. When you
issue ‘alter database drop datafile mydatafile.dbf including contents and datafiles’ on a primary database, the
controlfile is updated, and the history of that datafile is wiped clean; there really is no way to restore a datafile
after it has been dropped.
     物理備庫管理控制檔案的方法有別於主庫,當主庫執行‘alter database drop datafile mydatafile.dbf including contents and datafiles’時候,控制檔案被更新,此資料檔案的歷史將被清空,並不能夠被恢復。
     However, on a standby database, when you issue a ‘alter database drop datafile mydatafile.dbf’ on a standby database,
the history of that datafile actually doesn’t go away! It is simply marked with a ‘delete’ flag in memory, which
causes the Oracle recovery process on the standby database to skip that datafile.
     然而備庫中當執行‘alter database drop datafile mydatafile.dbf’後,歷史仍然保留在控制檔案中,而只不過在記憶體中被標記為“已刪除”,oracle的恢復程式則會在備庫中恢復資料檔案時跳過此檔案。
Using this information, you can create a standby database datafile-by-datafile, over a period of days, weeks, or even
months, by:

1.Creating a standby controlfile from the primary and shipping it to the standby, 
  建立備庫控制檔案standby control file
2.Modifying parameters on the primary database to ship logs to the standby if using Enterprise Edition, 
3.Setting up a special parameter file for the standby database that will accept redo from the primary database, 
4.Copy the first datafile from the primary to the standby (or restore it using RMAN)。
5.Start the standby database in ‘mount’ mode (alter database mount standby database). You will notice that in
  v$datafile_header, the 1st datafile will have a status of ONLINE, and all other datafiles will have a status of ERROR. 
6.For all datafiles that have a status of ERROR, issue a ‘alter database drop datafile datafile_name;’ on the standby
7.Initiate standby recovery on the standby database, (recover managed standby database..) 
8.Initiate redo transfer from the primary to the standby (ie set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n_ENABLE parameter in the primary) 
9.Insure that the standby is applying redo from the primary database (ie v$dataguard_status in the standby). 
10.This is now stable; the 1st datafile will be kept up-to-date. You can’t really use (or open) the standby database yet. 
11.When you are ready for the next datafile, transfer the datafile from the primary to the standby, 
12.Shut down the standby (shutdown immediate). Then, start it back up (startup nomount; alter database mount standby
13.Again, note which datafiles have a status of OFFLINE in v$datafile_header. For each of those, re-issue the alter database drop datafile   datafile_name. 
     標誌狀態OFFLINE 的資料檔案,並且執行drop掉命令。
14.Begin redo application from the standby (ie alter database recover managed standby database…). 
15.The database is again ’stable’ – the 1st two datafiles will be kept in-sync from the primary. 
16.Repeat the steps above (11-15) for each datafile in turn. If you like, you can copy a few files at a time; it depends on how big they are, and  how much redo you can keep around. 

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