原文:php呼叫webservice的幾種方法 1.WSDL模式: extension = php_soap.dll extension = php_curl.dll extension = php_openssl.dll <?php header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); $client = new SoapClient("http://url/ooxx.asmx?wsdl"); $param = array(`引數`=>`值`,`引數`=>`值`); $p = $client->__soapCall(`呼叫方法名`,array(`parameters` => $param)); print_r($p->呼叫方法名Result); ?> $soap = new SoapClient(""); $result2 = $soap->HelloWorld(array( `myName`=>`aaa`, `youName`=>`bbb` )); print_r($result2); 2.non-WSDL模式: 2.1使用SoapParam傳遞引數: $soap = new SoapClient(null,array(`location`=>``,`uri`=>``)); $result2 = $soap->__soapCall("HelloWorld", array(new SoapParam("aaa", "myName"),new SoapParam("bbb", "youName")), //array(new SoapParam("aaa", "ns1:myName"),new SoapParam("bbb", "ns1:youName")), array(`soapaction`=>``)); print_r($result2); 2.2使用SoapVar傳遞引數 $ns = ``; $soap = new SoapClient(null,array(`location`=>``,`uri`=>$ns)); $result2 = $soap->__soapCall("HelloWorld", array(new SoapVar("AAA", XSD_STRING, null, $ns, "myName", $ns), new SoapVar("GBBB", XSD_STRING, null, $ns, "youName", $ns)), array(`soapaction`=>``)); print_r($result2); 3.新增安全Header $soap = new SoapClient(null,array(`location`=>``,`uri`=>``)); //ws $ns_wsse = "";//WS-Security namespace $ns_wsu = "";//WS-Security namespace $userT = new SoapVar(`admin`, XSD_STRING, NULL, $ns_wsse, NULL, $ns_wsse); $passwT = new SoapVar(`NnYZe7oD81Kd8QRS4tUMze/2CUs=`, XSD_STRING, NULL, $ns_wsse, NULL, $ns_wsse); $createdT = new SoapVar(time(), XSD_DATETIME, NULL, $ns_wsu, NULL, $ns_wsu); class UsernameT1 { private $Username; //Name must be identical to corresponding XML tag in SOAP header private $Password; // Name must be identical to corresponding XML tag in SOAP header private $Created; function __construct($username, $password, $created) { $this->Username=$username; $this->Password=$password; $this->Created=$created; } } $tmp = new UsernameT1($userT, $passwT, $createdT); $uuT = new SoapVar($tmp, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $ns_wsse, `UsernameToken`, $ns_wsse); class UserNameT2 { private $UsernameToken; //Name must be identical to corresponding XML tag in SOAP header function __construct ($innerVal){ $this->UsernameToken = $innerVal; } } $tmp = new UsernameT2($uuT); $userToken = new SoapVar($tmp, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $ns_wsse, `UsernameToken`, $ns_wsse); $secHeaderValue=new SoapVar($userToken, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $ns_wsse, `Security`, $ns_wsse); $secHeader = new SoapHeader($ns_wsse, `Security`, $secHeaderValue); $result2 = $soap->__soapCall("GetDeviceInformation",array(),null,$secHeader); echo $result2;
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