在關閉資料庫時遇到 waiting for active calls to complete

在關閉資料庫時遇到 waiting for active calls to complete
Kevin Zou

這是一個11.2 的環境,搭建在windows 2008上。 平時關閉資料庫時都很順利的,但是今天出了問題。
SHUTDOWN: waiting for active calls to complete.

檢視工作管理員,沒有發現ID為  的程式。
Windows 平臺是沒有KILL的這個命令的。 只好進入到Service 介面,把OracleServiceSID 服務關閉。
看到之前處於HOLD 狀態的SHUTDOWN 命令結束,再重啟下DB看下是否有啥影響,沒有問題。再次關閉,一切正常。

在METALINK上有篇文章是介紹這個問題的:ID 1039389.6
You are attempting to shut down the database and the database hangs.  The 
alert log contains the following message: 
   SHUTDOWN: Waiting for active calls to complete 
There are no other error messages in the alert log. 

Solution Description:

Caveat:   This note is intended for Unix platforms primarily, but we should 
address this issue on Windows platforms as well.  On Windows, stopping the 
service is a valid workaround for these errors.
The database is waiting for pmon to clean up processes, but pmon is unable to 
clean them. The client connections to the server are causing the shutdown 
immediate or normal to hang.  Killing them allows pmon to clean up and release 
the associated Oracle processes and resources.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/40239/viewspace-717268/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
